Denise Felton's Genealogy Page
This page could not be possible without the help of others. I would like to thank Bill Albertson, Tom Hesler and Wanda June Felton. Thank you for all of your help.

I have compiled over 2900 names in my family tree.  It has been a long road, but one I am glad I took.

There are many names in my family tree.  The most numerous are Maupin, Felton, Stanbrough and Kiracofe.

I have provided a link to my family tree file for those of you who would like to view it.  The link is located at the bottom left of this page, labeled "my family tree".

I am more than happy to share my information with you in the hopes that you might find your ancestors.

If you see something that is wrong, or would like to add something to this file, please let me know.

My e-mail address is also located at the bottom left of this page.

Hope you enjoy this information and that it is helpful to you.

God Bless
Genealogy Links
My Family Tree
US Gen Web
Cyndi's Genealogy List
Who Am I?
Name: Denise Felton