Because AOL automatically compresses graphics, when you browse the internet, you are not seeing what the author of the pages intended for you to see.  This automatic compression allows for quicker downloading of pages, yet the consequence for this is the pictures and other graphics will be noticeably distorted.  As I have spent a great deal of time in getting just the right look, it is very disappointing to have my pictures and graphics appear "off".  In order to see the graphics as I had originally intended, follow these quick and easy steps:

AOL6.0 and 7.0 users: 

On your AOL Toolbar, click on the "Settings" drop down menu.  Select "Preferences".  This will popup a screen.  "Select Internet Properties (WWW)" which will bring up your "Internet Options" screen.  There are five tabs at the top.  Click on the "Web Graphics" tab.  You will see a question: "Do you want Web graphics to be compressed?  This will display Web pages quicker."

There are three options:
1.  Always compress graphics
2.  Never compress graphics
3.  Compress graphics only when I do not have a broadband connection to AOL.

Select "2.  NEVER compress graphics".  THEN BE SURE TO HIT "APPLY", then "OK".  You may need to reboot your computer, however, I always see the change as soon as I hit "OK".

AOL 5.0 is almost the same.

Just click "My AOL", then "Preferences", then "Internet Properties".  Click the "Graphics" tab, and UNCHECK "Compress graphics".  THEN BE SURE TO HIT "APPLY", then "OK".


If you reload/reinstall AOL or upgrade it, you will always have to set your preferences again.  The default setting is to compress graphics and you DO NOT WANT COMPRESSED GRAPHICS.  Just follow the same instructions above.