Just chillin'!
Mr. Independent!
Here I am, taking it easy, in my bedroom. I love Blues Clues!
Pssst!  The handprints on the wall belong to Marshal and me!
I love to be independent!
Hmmm, I think I may need
a haircut ... too many stragglers!
Zzzzzz... or not?
Here I am with Marshal!  We decided it was time to take a "power nap" in my room ... You think Mom knew I was faking?
It's thatta way...
This was taken when I was only
1 1/2 years old.  I had such a wonderful personality even way back then!  Mom said I was a keeper!
You made it!  Thank you for visiting my page! 
I am very excited to show myself off to you!  I should probably start off by introducing myself...
I am Autistic.  My Mom thinks I am very special.  Who wouldn't?  I can count as high as you're willing to let me, I know the days of the week and the months of the year ... and of course, I know my ABC's!  I'm also great at spelling and math. I love trains, and building things with my building blocks. I also love to sing.  I play my Mom's keyboard when she let's me, and Mom is trying to teach me the first few bars of Beethoven's "Fur Elise".  When I want my Mom to play a song on her keyboard, I just hum the ENTIRE tune, and she knows which song I'm requesting!  Mom is so smart!  hee hee  I enjoy drawing.  I have TONS of notebooks filled with my artwork.  And, as any other kid, I LOVE Nintendo and Playstation!! Sometimes, I even beat my big brother, Marshal, when we play -- that's what you get for calling ME Nacho, Mr. "Sweet Marshal"!!  heh heh.  I am also very interested in Mom's computer.  She buys me learning programs, and I can install and play them all by myself!  "Special" you ask?  Absolutely!!
Carry me, Mom!
Oops!  Mom found me!
I like to pretend that I can't walk, so Mom will have to carry me.  She usually winds up dragging me by my feet which is really fun!  The only problem is Mom gets tired after only 10 minutes of dragging me around; then she starts whining a lot.
Mom was a little annoyed with me after I had decided to get into her lipstick.  She chased me around the house, but I found refuge (so I thought), under some pillows. I had to pour on the charm ... like a sieve.
Thank you so much for visiting!
Please come back to see me soon! Don't forget to sign our guestbook on the home page!
Marshal said he would give me $5.00 to put another picture which included him on my page ... need I say more?
Brotherly Love
Let's get to the bottom of ol' Jake, shall we?
My name is Jacob, but I also like to be called "Jake".  My big
brother, Marshal, has his own nickname for me... "Nacho".
I have no idea where he came up with that name.  He began
calling me that name when I was only 1 year old.  He was only
6 years old at the time, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt
that he didn't mean anything cruel by it!  I am now 9 years old.
I was born October 7, 1996.
Midi is "Lovespoon Lullaby"
Bruce De Boer
Used with permission Copyright 2000
<bgsound src="lullaby.mid" controls="smallconsole">
This is my very first school picture from my 2001-2002 Pre-K class!  Speaking of class ... I sure do have lots of it!
What's this?

Pre-K 2001-2002
I just finished 3rd grade!  I am becoming quite a "medium" boy!  (You see, my big brother, Marshal, is the "big" boy, so I refer to myself as "medium").  hee hee
PS: Just as Sweet Marshal said on his page, our Mom's scanner isn't compatible with her computer, therefore, she can't scan any recent pictures of us.  I suppose you'll just have to guess what a couple of years look like on us!  hee hee