Jake must think I'm some type of climbing apparatus.  I suppose I'm nothing more than cheap entertainment to him!
Here I am on my scooter at Grandma and Grandpa's
house.  I'm preparing for my day of
chasing the girls.  The slower one's will definitely be screaming!
My name is Marshal.  Yes, only one 'L'!  Back in the day,
when I was 5 years old, I made up my own nickname ...
"Sweet Marshal".  My Grandpa got a kick out of it.  He
also taught me how to pick up 'women' that day, but
that's information that I'm not willing to share!  I can't provide you with all of my secrets!  I am now 15 years old.
I was born July 11, 1991.
Each hair must be in just the right place before I step one foot outside of the house!
This is where I like to kick back, relax, and get away from life's stress ... Would someone fetch my lemonade?
Here is one of my goofy outbursts!  Hey, a guy's gotta do something to stay in check!
Sometimes, little brothers don't feel so 'little'!  I think I'm beginning to feel his drool on my back.
This is me when I was only 6 months old ... always had it, always will!!
I am very happy you came to visit my page!  I hope you have enjoyed your stay at my humble abode!  Please come back often, and don't forget to sign our guestbook!
Hello and welcome to my page!  Isn't it cool?  There are lots of things I would like you to know about me, so let's get started...
Midi is "In The End"
(Royalty free midi)
<bgsound src="InTheEnd.mid" controls="smallconsole">
Here is my 11th birthday photo.  Where are the balloons, you ask?  Heh, that ain't this suave and sophisticated boy's cup of tea!

I am now on summer vacation, and next fall I'll be moving on to the 10th grade!!  My Mom seems a bit stressed about having a teenager.  She keeps telling me she understands why some animals eat their young!  Really, though, I'm doing awesome in school!  I am a very good student, receiving A's and B's.  (Well, mostly A's ::wink wink::).  You hear that, ladies?  Not only do I have the brawn, but the brains too!  heh heh

I am a very silly character.  You can always count on me to make a joke out of most anything.  When it's time to get serious ... I just sit and do nothing because I'm not exactly certain what that means!  I like to read.  Some of my favorite books are "Scary Stories I, II and III", "Tom Sawyer", "Swiss Family Robinson", "26 Fairmount Avenue", and "A Series of Unfortunate Events."  A few of my favorite TV shows include "Courage the Cowardly Dog", "Dexter's Laboratory" and "Outlaw Star."  A few movies I enjoy watching are "As Good As It Gets" (Mom's edited version), "Shrek", "Jurassic Park III", and The Excorcist.  I love playing sports, such as football and basketball.  I am also an avid fan of music.  My favorite bands are Linkin Park, Eminem (edited versions, OF COURSE!), and a few others, as well.  I recently became saved while at Church Camp last summer, too!  Woo hoo!!

My Mom thinks I have such great charm and personality.  Sometimes, when I'm in trouble, I have to think fast and say something cute so my Mom won't be too angry with me!  She tries not to smile but, sometimes I see a glimpse of a grin forming at the corners of her mouth. I won't even begin to tell you what I see when Mom DOESN'T think I'm cute!

Enough talk!  Let's get down to serious business ... my pictures!  Take a gander at my cuteness!
PSMom's scanner is no longer compatible with our computer, therefore, I don't have any recent pictures of myself on my page.  I've been trying to get Mom to join the rest of the world by buying a digital camera, but as she says, "I'm not wasting my money on something that ridiculous!!"  heh heh