Welcome to the Fencing HQ!
Eric @ 10:03 PM on May 5th, 2001:
Quite a lot was added today :) A tutorial (written by myself) and a tutorial on Beginner Competition in the USFA (by Sam Signorelli) have been added to the Tutorials section, and three new vendors were added to the Fencing Vendors section. Enjoy!
Eric @ 10:27 PM on May 2nd, 2001:
The first tutorial in the Tutorials section has been added. Expect more to come as I discover them, write them, or you submit them!
Eric @ 8:50 PM on May 2nd, 2001:
The Equipment Vendors list is fully completed, and all the links are working. Enjoy!
Eric @ 6:51 PM on May 2nd, 2001:
The Documents section has been completely updated, and now all the links in The Tigers work. I will be working on the Equipment section tonight, and there may be another update.
Eric @ 11:28 PM on April 30th, 2001:
Hi all, and welcome to the grand opening of the Fencing HQ. There isn't too much on the site yet, but I will be uploading and updating all the time. Hope to see you back here soon!
people have visited this site since May 2nd, 2001.