Come to East Anglia and give your engine a rest!


The Fen Flat Fours is a VW club that meets once a month in the East Anglia region. We meet up in pubs throughout the region to have a drink and a chat about our dubs!. We also organise cruises to events and our own days out. If you live in East Anglia and would like to join, all you have to do is turn up. You can also join our egroup to keep up with the online news and chat.
• NO joining Fee • NO committee • NO club dictator

Where and When...

We meet on the first Monday of each month (Except bank holidays and show weekends) at 7:30 pm in the Ferry Boat Inn near St Ives.

Directions to the Ferry Boat Inn

A Brief History....

Charlie Abbot first had the idea to get a club up and running in his area, he decided it would be called Fen Flat Fours and started to distribute flyers in May 2001. The first meeting was held in june 2001 and there has been one every month ever since.

The Cars....

The club has members who drive all sorts of volkswagens, there are beetles old and new, bay window and split screen campers. Beach buggies , drag cars and square backs to name a few.

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Web design by Jonathan Brim