I have a few hidden talents, most of which come out eventually! I learned to play the organ when I was five, and this has kind of spilled over into playing the keyboard and piano. I try, anyway!! :o/

I'm a published poet (-not a lot of people know that!), and have currently had poems printed in various books by Triumph House, and one printed in a book by the poetry guild. It was my sister, another published poet, who gave me the guts to send stuff in when she said it was good. (You tend to take note of what a published poet says!) Want to see a selection of my poetry?

Guess the only other hidden talent I have, which is neither really a 'talent' or 'hidden' is dancing. Find me a dance-floor, and you may have trouble getting me off it!!! That's the reason why there are so few good photo's of me I can scan!!! :))

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