Guide To Parramatta
Wow Parramatta is so amazing, it is full of the strangest people ever in the universe, and we have had many bitching adventures there.
1. Hall Of Fame: this is the store that Nead Soma used to run, before his porn career took off that is, we had many many many bitching adventures.
Like the time this really drugged out guy came in and he went up to Adam and he just said, "Shoes" and Adam said "nah this is a card store mate" and it was very funny, and then Simon yelled at Adam because he thought the drugged out shoes man was casing the joint. Also the time me and Gaylord
wrote rude messages and put them out the front so that when people walked past they would pick them up and read them and be scandalised, it didn't work though. The time this other really drugged out guy walked into the store and paced frantically about and started asking Nead about "if you have any videos of cartoons, i need a video of cartoons, for my kids you know do you have any sitckers, yes stickers" and he was a freakazoid.
2. The Park across from Hungry Jacks':  we had so many adventures here, being the park gang, which was a really lameo thing and we were just making fun of the pot heads that hang around there. Great things to do in the park is do surveys. there is a verra crazy old guy who walks around and does surveys and he always does the same people over and over again, he said his name was Jack Frost i think or i could be making that up, no i think thats what he said.
3. Christian Concerts: One day because we are super hard we decided to park gang on all night thats right ALL NIGHT LONG how cock rock! but this was a really dunb idea because people have been raped in the park before but you know that didn't matter, but i had to go home because my mum does not understand my hardness isn't that a problem that everyone suffers from really? anyway after i left El Kunto, Nudo and Jasbo all went to a rocking christian concert and the christian band played songs which went for like 40 minutes each and Nudo told them he though this was a bad idea and then they were speaking about Jesus being in the air and so Jasbo farted and said rude things about jesus being in the air and it would have been great.
I'll finish this later baby, Go baaaaaaaack