Quotes are like cheese, you need to have them always.
Well, because amazingly stupid things are said all the time, it is always time for a quotes page, some of these are from famousish people, others are from weirdos i know, some are old, but still very fine.

"I feel like an abortion" - Fergus' Dad

"You should look through my eyes!! It's a blood shot!" - Fergus' Dad

"Yeah i'll get that Stan Zemanek, on the fucking dot com dot au" - Fergus' Dad

"Hear the smell" - Fergus' Mum

"I really like ice hockey. I've never seen a game though." - Fergus' Mum

"you can open a chicken" - Fergus' Mum

"I'm a good mental problem, lot's of people would like to have me" - Fergus' Dad

You're a Viking!" - Fergus
"I'm a bikie" - Fergus' Dad

"I'm a bleach sucker" - Fergus' Dad


‘He deridadated it’ - Mum

Alex: "Oh boy's are tragic"

Alex: "ohh i am all slimy this can't be good for the revolution"

Fergus' Dad: "It's ok, I only drink god's water"

Fergus' Dad: "i love getting around with a ping pong bat going your buggered, your buggered"

Fergus' Dad : "get your faculties before you get your frogolties"

Fergus' Dad: " I couldn't win a cold spew in a bin"

Jobie Wan: "Yeah i think it will be like Northern Exposure or obviously it will be completely different"

Me: "I'm gonna get you Cher's greatest hits for christmas"
Sex Monkey: "Well you know what? it's doesn't have any songs on it"

Neelima: "Economics is maaaad" (yes she was being serious, that's why its funny)

Reemo: "I love it when guys take big bites out of their hamburgers, it's proves they are a man"

Stuart David (Belle and Sebastian) : "I don't mind having my picture taken, it's just i've got some important shopping to do"

Girl at work: "Have you heard the Jennifer Lopez album, it's mad!"
Another girl at work: "yeah it's even better that Ricky Martin's"

Girl at work(again): "I swear to god, i am never listening to that music again!" this is after i put the Beta band on for one and a half songs and then she promptly put on Britney Spears for the rest of the afternoon.

me: "oooer you bought Marjory a bra for her birthday??"
Mary-rose: "Yeah we're very close"

The splendid Mary-rose said something else very funny today, but i forget what it is.
Bellie: "Hell is..... great!, there's lots of fires and you get to poke people in the bum."

Damon Gough, aka Badly Drawn Boy: "it (heaven) is a fictional place invented by wise philosophers to ease the pain of generations of people afraid of dying, cynical, huh?"

My Dad: "No Hasselhoff bite me."

James: "Turn that heavy metal off, it's giving me a headache" (I was playing Teenage Fanclub, yes he was being serious)

Laura: "Go to hell Rodney, it's that way" points down.

Soda: "Oooooh foxy Jon. The Shihad one."

My Dad: "Go to Rome to see the Romans, go home to see the homans"

"At first i thought this music is all about going down the dairy and buying cartons of milk and i'm not interested in it, give me some  AC/DC" Jon Toogood on New Zealand music.

Laura" I like going in the elevator, i like the uncomfortable silences"

Paul the 'Gourmet Ireland' man : "there's my thickened juices"

Mars Plastic: "I'm buying 5 tickets"
Me: "oh, how many's that?"

Me when a form asked me what my handle was: "yeah got a copy, this isn't convoy you know"

Sex Monkey: "You don't have to be from England to be English"
Other Quotes
Other bollocks yeehaa!!