Welcome to Ms Fergus' Advice Column
Hello, this is Ms Fergus. I want to know all about your problems. I want to know all the juicy details so i can put them here for everyone to read ha ha ha ha, no i mean so i can help you, yeah that's it help you. It doesn't have to be about your bum though ok? Anything will do. That's me looking drunk over there ok? just so you know. But soon i will replace it with a picture of me looking very thoughtful i promise.
Featured Dilemma:
Do you have to kill people to get respect?
YO! Wassup ms fergus,

  i live in da hood ,Westside (auburn).None of tha bro's have no respect 4 me cos i ain't popped no one yet

So what up wit dat bro?
ps   you are a fully sic skippy bitch
Yo word to your mother,
I have given your proble much thought, and i think that the only answer is yes, you do need to pop one off to get respect in the hood. I know i got no poonani before i killed at least four people. So get to it homeboy.

OK Submit your problem here and i will ponder with all of my might and come up with a suitable answer ok? good.
Everybody needs a holiday
Previous Dilemma
Dear Ms Fergus,

I have a girlfriend who's a penguin. We've been dating 6 months, and I really like her. But I don't know if I can handle  the way she never does anything around the house. I consulted a Doctor about it. He said she needs to wear socks or i need to get a shark to chase her around. She's twenty-one years old, and I'm twenty-three. She's my second girlfriend I've ever had. Should we try to stay together, or should i eat her liver?

in Hell
Dear  Spooful,

That's a toughie, and you're going to have to do some thinking. Whatever you decide, don't do the halfsies thing, where you buy her one sock and sometimes get a shark in. You two will just end up hurting each other.

If you're head over heels crazy about her, and you want her in your life for a long time,  try to buy her some socks and maybe a shark, but watch your phone bill!

If you're too uncertain, call things off for now. You know what they say, "if you love somebody, set them free." And if they come back to you, then it was meant to be. If they don't, then you were meant to move on to someone new!

You two are still young, and people change quite a bit at that age, especially when someone is a lazy lazy penguin.

Good luck!

Ms Fergus