Satanic Love THreats
Hey you love some one, hey you wanna show them that you care? well us Bobleys are trying to help you because unrequited love is not fun, fergus knows, so send this amazing satanic love threat and we guarantee that they will be really scared yay!
(insert loved ones name here) you are an evil beastie.
LUCKILY, you are also mighty mighty good - looking, so that sort of makes up for the extreme monginess. If you didn't like Kiss you would be much better.
My bottom aches for you baby
I want to sex you up. Sexing the cherry, lovecakes.
eat me you horny viking
please let us bonk you senseless
HeY HeY You Big PIG o f SATAN I wanna Have YouR lOve chIlDren YeAh I wAnnA LiCk YouR hUgE JuBbLies  A ha hA LeT mE Lick your Banana BaBy cAn i ComE In BEttWeeN you Bum CheekS WooHoo
no i really don't mean this i am a good christian and i want to have get to know you better  everynight i dream of you and me getting married in a good christian chirch with god on our side.
Gaylord the fiendish bathrobe
we heart satan and you (INSERT NAME HERE) because you are the epitome of all things satanic and wholesome. you are fun for the whole family. we want you to be you're new family. we will worship you with our young female bodies until we all pass out from exhaustipation.
we will allow you to plunge your erect member into our dripping CLEFTS!!!!!
we will take your holy rod and feed it to the dogs of alanis morrisette ha h ah a hah ah ah ah ah  we know about you woohhhhh!!!!
we all want to ride  your meaty french stick of love. we kiss pillows and think of you sexy
I want to grope your erotic buns of steel
thou art so good
i want to lick you bowl of custard and i want to rape you like a mountain, you illicit love god of rubber grrrrrrrrrrr
my panties are dripping at the mere thought of you. one day you will be mine, and my ancestors are known for their beautiful hair
I would sacrifice my firstborn pony for your tender chicken breast fillets
I know what to do with the cheese and where to put it baby yeah yeh
lick me in the cazy place baby you are my FABIO YEAH WOOH
Proudly written by Laura, El Kunto and Fergus. 1997 probably.
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