ohh get me out of here, Scott is a sham
Augie March @ the Metro 30th March 2001

Oh my petals how I love the Augie’s. In a land desolate with umm Powderfinger who are about as interesting as dead grannies on fire in hell, and Killing Heidi who are so awful that I won’t even be wasting my words on them, Augie March are an amazing idea. Ohh how I love their album. How I love their drummer, David Williams, fashion oh he was rocking the colonial look with some stripy suspenders. Does stripy have an e? Who knows. Ohh how I love when they stuff up and get really upset instead of acting professional. How I love how they reinforce my theory that beautiful songs are just falling to the earth from some out of space location and just sometimes they hit people who are completely unprepared. In fact I think they usually hit people who are unprepared. This is what makes them so good. I hate the idea of people going Ohh noo mann I gotta write a song, I rather like the idea of people going oh my god I have a song and it just came from no where. Or something.  So anyway I love how they seem so unprepared, how charming. But mostly I like how they write really fantastic amazing songs, which is something that very few Australian bands are capable of, and very few bands are capable of writing songs as good as Augie March. But anyway isn’t this is a gig review or some such bollocks, well yes it is but ahh I hate gig reviews they are so dull really? But anyway, umm Darren Hanlon was quite funny, but his songs were a bit grating you know, though he did meet a Canadian whose father invented the kickstand. As you do.  But erm I did not get the urge to run over and buy his CD or have his love chillun so he must be doing something wrong.
But Augie March! Yes sir! Wooh they were so grand, and now for the first time ever I have the set list off someone on the mailing list that actually got the setlist (bastard). But I am pretty sure they didn’t play Movie Mondays but anyhow, I wouldn’t know really because I was too too amazed for about two and a half-hours. They even had Believe Me playing at the start, wooh! At it was so great umm some highlights included, oh yes how could I have gone this far without mentioning when Glenn headbutted the microphone, Ohh how cute it was oh dear it has sent me right off track thinking about it. They only stuffed up about three times as far as I can remember. Glenn also threw his cup and went weeeeeeeoooorrrrrrrrrgh! Or something. But it was so amazing and I didn’t once ever think in the two and a half hours that I would like to be sitting down or drunk or anything and I didn’t have one beer!! Not one. I think this may have been my most favourite gig ever. Oh lovely and sorry I can’t write a more er cohesive review but it is me.
So umm just look at the setlist and dream of how it went and I am sure you will then understand? Eh?
Please note that Glenn was wearing some weird Jamboree shirt from the 80’s and I was wearing a NSW State Champions Gymnastic shirt so it is obvious that we are meant for each other huh?

Believe Me
Tasman Awakens
The Offer
Asleep In Perfection
Good Gardener
Sunset Studies
Heartbeat and Sails
Hole in Your Roof
There's No Such Place
Primitive Minds
300 Nights
Maroondah Reservoir
Keep Searchin'
Owen's Lament ------------- ENCORE (not on list)
Century Son
Future Seal
Angels of the Bowling Green