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It had nothing to do with my personality and outlook or any of the details about me whatsoever. dating singles, on line dating services, romance, free senior dating services, free dating chatline, dating older men, christian singles, russian dating service, singles dating, - for love and romance, uks free dating service, true romance, singles travel groups, muslim matchmaking, singles chat, dating advice, professional dating, christian personals, free christian dating service, kiev matchmaking, dating tips, 100% free dating, free online matchmaking Mexican dating. Yet to them I was The One. It doesn't feel good to be found out does it! So consequently I have come to the conclusion that many women are indeed searching for "The One". They are looking for that spiritual connection - as long as you are gorgeous and handsome and have a great career. dating singles, on line dating services, romance, free senior dating services, free dating chatline, dating older men, christian singles, russian dating service, singles dating, - for love and romance, uks free dating service, true romance, singles travel groups, muslim matchmaking, singles chat, dating advice, professional dating, christian personals, free christian dating service, kiev matchmaking, dating tips, 100% free dating, free online matchmaking Speed dating toronto. It is not fair to be too critical of this state of play because I believe the concept of 'The One' has been borne out of a modern liberation of women where they are now able to pick and choose exactly who they want to be with. No woman has to 'make do' anymore and society has evolved and rightly so. The main contention I have is that it is as ruthlessly shallow and misguided as men have ever been accused of in the past. dating singles, on line dating services, romance, free senior dating services, free dating chatline, dating older men, christian singles, russian dating service, singles dating, - for love and romance, uks free dating service, true romance, singles travel groups, muslim matchmaking, singles chat, dating advice, professional dating, christian personals, free christian dating service, kiev matchmaking, dating tips, 100% free dating, free online matchmaking Dallas dating. Women do want a good looking man who is in shape. They do want someone who is fun and sexy and a good career and they do want a man who understands commitment and responsibility. But whether they in fact find him is another matter altogether. I am often told by girlfriends that 'I am happier single than accepting second best'. What is second best? Second best appears to be everything that isn't perfect in the eyes of the beholder. Maybe that means I am second best and if so maybe I should start to feel I have issues! One friend told me this week that she was willing to lower her sights ever so slightly as she gets older but in general she would not be lowering her standards. Again it ties in with 'the One' who epitomizes all the characteristics of the ideal man. When setting a precedent of standards in dating, people set themselves up to be constantly let down. It is unlikely in the short term that anyone will match their checklist because however great the date has just been, there may be someone waiting who is even better, who is 'the One'. Dating is a chemical reaction. It isn't about checklists, it isn't about computer date matching, it isn't about predetermined ideas about people. It is about communication and intellect and physical chemistry and instant emotions. The truth is, we are beginning to have a dangerously lonely generation of ThirtySomething women with few partners and absolutely no willingness to compromise. You can blame men all you like, but seeking perfection doesn't guarantee happiness either. The issue ultimately is how these maturing generations will deal with lack of children in their early 40's after leaving things too late.

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