~*To Ginny In Friendship*~

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Ginny I wanted you to have your own little "Butterfly Garden" year around. *S*

~Dear Ginny~

I've walked life's path for many years
I've been to the mountains and the sea
God has been there by my side
And He brought you to me

He knew I needed someone
With whom to share my days
A loving friend who has seen my tears
And has helped in so many ways

A friend who's happy when I smile
Who celebrates my delight
And is often there with one last word
Before I end my night

I only hope that in my time
I could have one small request
To share a quiet afternoon
With you, dear friend as my guest

©~Flo~ August 26 2000

I feel so very blessed to have the privilege of knowing you,Ginny. You've made the sunshine just a little brighter in my days. Each night when I look to the Heavens, I see our ~Friendship Star~ shining ever so brightly.

To make this page even more meaningful, many of your ~Dear Friends~ are joining me in this friendship page too.

~Ginny's Gift of Friendship~

Our friendship is one that has grown day by day,
And although miles separate us, you are never far away.
I can boot the computer or give you a call,
You’re a friend I can count on through the large and the small.

You listen oh so carefully and not speak a word,
And for you I would do the same when you wanted to be heard.
You’re a person to confide in, learn from and trust
A friend like you is a definite must!

You’re a very special friend, one to treasure and cherish
Our bond of friendship, nothing can perish
You’re a person so special, so faithful and true
A friend is a person so much like you.

Copyright ©~Allyson~ 09/04/2000

We have more *Gifts* on the Next Page.

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Photos for my "Butterfly Applet" used by written permission of the ~*Butterfly Place*~. They retain copright © of the pictures.

Backgrounds By ~*Cactus Flower Graphics*~

The Musical Selection Playing is ~I Will Be Your Friend~

Page produced with Love, © ~Flo~ September 2 2000 ~*Flo's*~