Musical Selection.."You Are Not Alone"

<BGSOUND SRC="youarenotalone.mid" loop="infinite">

~*Tribute To Sue*~

~*Sue Bluu*~

Sometimes people cross our paths
It only takes a few
To touch our lives and give us strength
To face each day anew

We draw comfort and courage
From kind words that they may say
So never wait until tomorrow
Please let them know today

We felt some sadness and some doubt
We were feeling kind of blue
When a warm and thoughtful greeting came
From a wonderful lady named~*Sue*~

A few minutes makes a difference
It only takes but a short while
To say a prayer and give a thought
To touch someone, and make them smile

Copyright© ~Flo~ June 29 2000

Thank you ~*Sue*~ for taking the time to care.
We will cherish the wonderful words you wrote to "Owen" in his guestbook.
And just like the music selection that's playing..
~*Sue*~ You are not alone..*S*

Sue, here is a picture of your little buddy,~*Owen*~ taken July 23rd. (19 days after the surgery) He was 1 year old July 20th.2000. Clicking on the picture will take you to ~*Owen's*~ page where there are links explaining his surgery.

Owen is 1 Year 2 months old here

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Inspired Art Of "Danny Hahlbohm"

Flowers ~Pat's Web Graphics~

~Flo's Rockies~


Created by ~Flo~ © June 29, 2000