"Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,"

<BGSOUND SRC="FriendofaWoundedheart.mid" loop="infinite">

Children, are our most precious gifts. One of the most important things we can do is to stop violence and abuse against children. A little bird cannot sing with a broken wing. A little child cannot sing, with a broken spirit.

Little Song Bird

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There upon a weathered branch...
Sat a tiny bird with broken wing...
It's little head bowed down...
Though it tried it could not sing...

I heard the sound of heartbreak...
A soul crying instead of song...
Broken it sat and waited...
For someone to came along...

It's feathers were askew...
It could not raise it's eyes...
Even though the sun was shining...
From beautiful azure skies...

Will there be a time...
When there's hope and not despair...
Dear God will there be a time...
When all mankind will care...

Somehow it never gives up hope...
There seems to be a time and place...
Where it will find it's healing...
And redemption in another's face...

Today I saw it one more time...
It was a spiritual thing...
Today it held it's head up high...
Today I heard it sing...

May 2000 © ~Flo~

There has been enough hypocrisy, enough suffering, enough violence, enough indifference, and enough talk. It's time for all of us to take a stand against the suffering of children so policy makers can act without weaknesses to apply the basic laws of human respect.

Please remember this Teardrop signifies the tears shed by Children all over the world.
I'm asking you to take this Teardrop to your Home on the web please.
Where ever you are, try to help make this world a safer place for children.

A candle burns here in my home
to light the way for a child.
It also burns as a symbol to remind all people to see the light
and please make our world a safer place for our children.

Fly To Amy's Dedication Page

Stamping Out Violence

Mark McGwire Foundation For Children Web

A place to receive help and understanding.

Please Visit ~*Shannons Abuse Page*~

I have provided this ~Banner~ and the code is below if you would like to use it to link to this page.

Visit Barbara's Site and see more of her creations

Created June 2000 © By ~Flo's Rocky Mountain Heart~