RDS's WindowBlinds 3 beta8c Skins

Since geocities gives me limited space I will have my work on other sites like WinCustomize.com.

You can check some of my latest work over at WinCustomize and the URL is:


XP Wood

Description: Yet again another luna skin. But this time its something new!! This is in the shape of luna but its wood and not a plain old solid color. Also this skin takes advantage of "WindowBlinds 3"s ability to skin the taskbar and the start panel on XP. It has been tested on "WindowBlinds 3 beta 8c" if there are any changes in the future versions of WindowBlinds, I will be sure to update the skin! : )

Compatibility : Tested with WindowBlinds beta8c.

Acknowledgements : Wooden XP look.

Time Created: 7:22 PM 10/16/2001 Central Time

File Size: 222 KB

RDS's Trillian Skins

Metallic Trillian XP

Description: A new look to the same old :) blue windows XP luna theme! This a modified version of Marcdaniel's awesome trillian xp skin to be all in metallic colors! A few other things have changed also. This another must download skin! :)

Compatibility : Trillian 0.635 compliant.

Acknowledgements : Windows XP/Marcdaniel's TrillianXP.

Time Created: 5:18 PM 6/14/2001 Central Time

File Size: 445 KB


Description: This is my first skin but, I think this skin will give everyone out there that use ICQ all the time a reason to keep using Trillian!

Compatibility : Trillian 0.635 compliant.

Acknowledgements : ICQ2000b.

Time Created: 10:07 AM 6/12/2001 Central Time

File Size: 110 KB

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