Final Fantasy Unlimited
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LET'S SETTLE THIS SEPHIROTH! Items: Save Crystal, Elixir, Power Source(2), Hero Drink, Mind Source, Magic Source, Guard Source Megalixir Materia: HP Abosrob Materia Party's level: 44 Party: Cloud and whomever

Before you go down I suggest you learn BIG GUARD from the Beachplugs in the beach area outside of Costa Del Sol before entering, just manipulate the Beachplugs and have them use the BIG GUARD on your party members. From here you will need to pack alot of FENIX DOWNs(99 tops) unless you have the LIFE and LIFE2 spells because these enemies have instant death attacks. Try to buy as much TENTs as you can as well. Do not worry, I will try to guide you through on some of these enemies. When you first enter here, it is very different from your last encounter in the crater. At first you will see a treasure chest, pick it up to recieve the SAVE CRYSTAL which is a very important item and key for your survival. Do not use the crystal yet because with this item you can create a save point anywhere in the crater as you wish, but you can only use this once and it can only be used in the crater and no where else.

Next to the treasure chest is a door or a cave leading back to the Highwind incase you need anything or just running low on supplies. Some enemies here are the Parasite which can cast L5 Death so levels that are divisible by 5 that means your party member with a level of 50 will die, do not worry though, it almost never casts it though. You can also Manipulate these guys and have them use the MAGIC BREATH on you if you have not learned it yet, otherwise just keep attacking because all they do is the head attack.

When you see a Gargoyle I suggest you run unless you have levels that are not divisible by 4, because the Gargoyles use this as their final attack 95% of the time. The Dark Dragon is pretty easy but at the levels your at now, he can cause quite a stir. You can Manipulate him and have him use the DRAGON FORCE and the LASER on a party member that has the ENEMY SKILL MATERIA(in my opinion one of the best MATERIA in the game) so he or she can learn the attack. As you continue down the spiral walkway you will see a second treasure chest, which contains a GUARD SOURCE. Use them on any party member and continue on until you reach the next area. Here to the left of the screen you will find a POWER SOURCE and an HP ABSORB MATERIA. Use the POWER SOURCE on anyone you like and continue on.

Make sure to explore all of this area if you want the items like a GUARD SOURCE, MIND SOURCE, and an ELIXIR. This place is pretty small and you should be through in no time. In the next area is a little complicated but not too hard. First enter the door on Cloud's right which is the left side of the screen. When you first enter here, ignore the treasure chest that is on a small cliff on the left side of the screen. Here you will notice a small hole on the top right of the screen on the rocks, go inside that hole to reach the treasure chest on the top right cliff and collect and use the POWER SOURCE and continue downward and collect the last GUARD SOURCE in the crater and use it on any party member you like.

Now go back to where you came in and go out the door. Do not go back up but instead keep going to the right until Cloud falls through and on the cliff he falls on has a treasure chest which contains a MIND SOURCE now use it and continue on and keep going left until you reach the door and enter it to pick up the MEGAELIXIR and go back out and enter the cave on the right and continue through until you are outside and drop down and continue to drop down on the right side until you see a treasure chest pick up the item inside and continue downward.

In the next area you will meet up with the rest of the group. Here you will have to form groups that splits into two. Have two members in your party go the right and have the other four members go to the left. But if you choose to go to the right yourself just have three members in your group and send the other three to the left path. After that you cannot have the other party member join you if you had him or her sent down the opposite path. If you take the left path read below:

LEFT PATH Items: Turbo Ether, Vaccine, X-Potion(2), Speed Source Materia: Mega-All Materia Party's level: 46 Party: Cloud and whomever

Hopefully you have at least four people going down this path which is comprised of two paths. Select two party members to go down the the other two to go up. If Cloud chose to go up then continue on and you will see some bright green terrain with a series of almost gold colored boulders all surrounding a small pond. In this area you will encounter plenty of Magic Pots and if you give them an ELIXIR and only the ELIXIR defeat them afterwards to recieve 8000 Expierience Points and 1000 Ability Points. I would not suggest giving up the ELIXIR because it can help you in the fight against Sephiroth. Do not give these guys a MEGAELIXIR though because it just will not work for some reason. Watch out for the Master Tonberry which looks like a Mole holding a lit lantern with a star above their heads. Here are the Master Tonberry's stats:

HP: 45,000 MP: 0 Morph: Ribbon Steal: ELIXIR Item: MEGAELIXIR

At first he may seem harmless but attack him three times and he will use the Everyone's Grudge attack on one party member, if your stats are high it will do alot of damage. If your stats are low do not worry because it should not do more than 500 HP of damage. At this point in the game when Cloud gets hit by this attack he will most likely fall and you will need to bring him back to life. After you have attacked him three times it takes two hits for the Master Tonberry to counter attack depending on who hit him last. Watch out when he gets to close because he can use his Knife Attack which will instantly kill any party member.

The only items in here are the REMEDY and the MAGIC SOURCE. Now keep going and you will enter another area similar to the previous area. On the right is the IMPERIAL GUARD, VACCINE and the SHIELD MATERIA which is the shining green piece of Materia. On the right is the HERO DRINK. In the next area you will find a bright shining pool of some sort in the very center, inspect it to get the COUNTER MATERIA and just above it is the W-MAGIC MATERIA. And enter the next area and you will be in the crater core with the rest of your party. Now is probably the most perfect spot to use the SAVE CRYSTAL. Save your game and use a tent.

If you took the Down path in the left path just follow through the linear path and collect the REMEDY, REMEDY, X-POTION, X-POTION, TURBO ETHER, SPEED SOURCE, and the MEGA ALL MATERIA. To get the MEGA ALL MATERIA which is the shining purple materia keep hitting the "O" button as he jumps on the platform, if you do not he will jump right over it. When you reach the next area you will meet up with the rest of the party. Whether you chose the Down or Up path you will always meet up at the same area.

RIGHT PATH Items: Luck Source, Tetra Elemental, Mystile, Elixir, Speed Source, Megalixir(2) Materia: None Party's level: 46 Party: whomever

This place is extremely linear, the items worth getting are MEGAELIXIR, MYSTILE, TETRA ELEMENTAL, ELIXIR, and a LUCK SOURCE. When you encounter a Dragon Zombie you can learn SHADOW FLARE from it, but hopefully it will hit the party member equipped wih the ENEMY SKILL MATERIA and also PANDORA's BOX. Afterwards you will meet up with the rest of your party members. NOTE: It does not matter which path you take UP, DOWN, or Right you will always meet up at the same point. When you reach the meeting point talk to everybody in your group and see what item they have collected along the way. REMEMBER: Each party member will give you an item they have collected on the way, but remember your party members did not collect everything. When you have used a TENT and saved go down when ready. When you enter the crater's core sometimes you engage in a random battle you must win, especially against the Ironman. I have composed a guide to beating him, because chances are your levels are not high enough. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Random Encounter: Ironman HP: 20,000


A very tough mini-boss and you probably have to fight serveral of these before you reach the crater's core. Try to avoid Physical attacks because this will have the Ironman use his Adrenaline skill which is a barrier that will cut down all physical attacks down to half. Hit it with BAHAMUT ZERO, ULITMA, or COMTET2 to deal some serious damage. Its basic attack hits all party members dealing 800 HP of damage to each party member and he can use this attack up to two times in a row. Watch out for the Grand Sword attack which can cause up 1400 HP of damage to a single character so be careful. Its a good way to start off the battle with BIG GUARD to cut down the attacks. Move very quickly because this guy moves fast.

As you continue to make your way down the core, in the middle Jenova- Synthesis will approach you.


BOSS: Jenova-SYNTHESIS HP: 80,000


Jenova has three parts, two arms and body. The arms are composed of 10,000 HP each while the body is 60,000. Try to take out the arms first so you will not have to deal with Jenova's quick attacks. Start off by casting BIG GUARD or WALL and HASTE(BIG GUARD is actually both WALL and HASTE and it only costs 56 MP and you can use it on all party members! You should only have to cast this spell once, in my opinion I see no disadvantages to this) and it is also nice to have Cloud with the SLASH-ALL MATERIA to hit all parts of the body at once. COUNTER ATTACK MATERIA is a good way to hit back without wasting a turn. Use all of your best magics and summons like BAHAMUT ZERO, NEO BAHAMUT, COMET2, ULTIMA, anything that is strong and hits all parts of the body. Whne Jenova's HP drops below 15,000 it will start a count-down of 5, when the timer hits 0 she will cast ULTIMA which is more than likely to kill your party members. Just pray that the WALL is there to absorb some of the damage. Move quickly and attack hard and the fight should not be too tough.

After you have defeated Jenova for the last time, it is time to face of against the Big Ogre himself, yes Sephiroth. Here Sephiroth's power stuns the party at will, but while the party is near HOLY they are unaffected by Sephiroth's mind power. Here you will form two or three groups, I suggest two groups because you only have six people in your party. Have your strongest group with Cloud and the other three in another group but have them well equipped and have someone with the RIBBON on and also the MYSTILE. Having the ESUNA spell ready is very important as well as having a RIBBON equipped, the MYSTILE has a 60% magic evade rate, so 6 out of ten attacks whether physical or maigcal you can evade. BIG GUARD is a must. Heal your party's HP and MP to full and remember to equip your best weapons and armors. After you are through it is time to settle the score.


BOSS: Bizzaro Sephiroth HP: 107,000


Well this form of Sephiroth is not too tough, the only problem is, is that you have five parts to Bizzaro Sepiroth. The head has 9,000 HP, the Left Magic has 9,000, and the Right Magic has 9,000 HP as well. All those three should be taken out first. Next is the Torso which has 30,000, and then comes the main target: the Core: 50,000. You should use magics that hits all parts of Bizzaro Sepiroth. Use your strongest magics like BAHAMUT ZERO or ULTIMA, COMET2 does not really add a punch because Sepiroth cuts the COMET2 damage down to a half. The Core is invincible except when you destroy all the other four parts to Bizarro Sephiroth. Bizarro Sephiroth is incredibly slow at attacking so having HASTE on the group means a huge advantage. BIG GUARD and REGEN is a must. When Bizzaro Sepiroth uses his Fallen Angel attack, it will put all party members HP down to one, but if you have REGEN you will be just fine if you have not used REGEN then use CURE3 if REGEN has lost its affect. This guy can also hit the party members with serveral different negative status effects like Frog, Poison, Mute, etc. Did I mention this guy has a DEMI3 attack? So watch out for that attack, but on the good note it will build your Limit Break guage very fast. Bizzaro Sephiroth also has a physical attack that causes up to 3,000 HP of damage to a single character up front so watch out, and keep all magic users in the back. Bizzaro Sephiroth also can revive fallen parts when he does the Bizzaro Energy and in turn also heal the Torso. This is one of the longest fights, and it took me a good twenty minutes to beat this guy. Also when your Max Summons runs out just switch to your other party when you have defeated one of the parts and then switch back. Also have Cloud use his FINISHING TOUCH over the METEORAIN, that way you can hit all four parts to Bizzaro Sephiroth without the risk of having one of the METEORs hit the Core which will do no damage.

After this fight the party with Cloud in it will fight the last and final battle. All positive and negative status will be carried onto the next fight except you will still have your maximum amount of summons still intact.


BOSS: Safer-Sephiroth HP: 120,000


When your BIG GUARD wears down you should still be in HASTE for the remainder of the battle. But when your barriers wear down immediately set them up again and do not wait to cast BIG GUARD the next available party member should cast WALL if your Materia is high enough. Wearing a RIBBON is very important in this battle because his Pale Horse attack will hit you with every status effect in the book. Unless you have a LIMIT BREAK ready Sephiroth will immediately start the battle off by casting WALL, and it will last through the battle unless you have DEBARRIER to remove it, and you must do so if you want to stand any chance of winning. Watch out for the SHADOW FLARE attack, which can cause up 7,000 HP of damage to one character, hopefully if you have SHIELD it can easily nullify it, but if you have not been gaining Ability Points for the Materia then hopefully your BIG GUARD can cut it down to about 5,000, which is probably still enough to kill you. Watch out for Safer- Sephiroth's Summon, the SUPERNOVA. Sephiroth calculates all the math into this whopping behemoth as he summons what the Japaneese think will destroy the world. This is a really long summon and it looks awesome! First he summons the SUPERNOVA from a distant galaxy thousands of light years away, then it enters the Milky Way, then into our Solar System, now is where the real fun begins. The SUPERNOVA then engulfs Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, then enters the sun which destroys Venus and Mercury and the flares of the sun crash land on earth and directly on the party which will drop all the party's HP down to serveral hundred and it does not matter how much HP you have and also it will hit the party with all the negative statuses in the book, but have a RIBBON prevents all of the negative statuses, make sure your REGEN is still working and you will most likely have to use a CURE3 along with the REGEN. Use everything you have against this guy as well as limit breaks. This guy moves fast so it is a good idea to keep HASTE on the whole battle and quickly remove any negative status effects, do this and you should win the long and very tough battle.