
Name: Aido
Nickname: none
Age: ??? (probably a millenia or something)
Home World: everywhere
Weapon: Ki/Chi blasts and everything else
Quote: "Don't forget, I'm all powerful. And you are what...?"
About: Aido is my only SB that would be considered a true SB, as well as my only SB being an original character, sticking straight to the rules. He lives in my head, and talks to me and advises me and stuff. And he's in love with me, like all my other SBs, bar Zechs and Noin, of course. ^_^;;;;; Aido is the Guardian of Time, a high level Guardian. But now he's the Guardian of my heart and soul because I beat him in a battle. ^_^ His true form is a white, draconic looking beast, really big and pure energy. His human manifestation is a guy with brown eyes and short white hair and white clothes. Pretty simple. The pic above is basically what he looks like when he's anthropomorphic, minus the purple markings on his cheeks and tail. Aido gets a lot of guilt because he knows all my thoughts and feelings, and the stuff I do. Like if I'm doing something bad, he'll ty to warn me, and I'll shove him in the back. Then later, he'll feel guilty for not trying harder to help me earlier. I guess he controls my conscience. ^_^ Ah well. Aido can be pretty funny sometimes. One time I caught in dancing around in his underwears holding large white fans. He really hates it when I pull out the picture that I took of that time because he always wants to be aloof, brimming with power, mysterious. Then he falls flat on his face. ^_^ He's a great guy. ^_^

The pic above is not mine, it is fanart and it belongs here. The character is also not mine, I'm just borrowing it because it looks an AWFUL lot like Aido. ^_^

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