Words from the Founder & Pastor of
Faith, Hope & Charity COGIC

Dr. Donald K. Barrett

As the eyes are mirrors to the soul, my heart mirrors joy for the Faith, Hope & Charity Church in its' entirety. I sit in awe and wonder of the goodness, the kindness and the righteousness of God.

I praise His Majesty for this portion of the vineyard that He has allowed me to till and cultivate for His Kingdom.

As we all press toward the mark of the high calling, I must say, that He has already done great and marvelous things....therefore, I say again, "To God Be The Glory, For The Things He Hath Done!!!"

Faith, Hope & Charity exists for the purpose of continuing the mission of Our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ in seeking and saving those who are lost. We believe it is God's will that none should perish, but that all men come to the saving knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we are compelled to obey Jesus and teach men to obey and follow in His footsteps. (Matthew 28:19-20)

The foundation of Faith, Hope & Charity Ministry is the Holy Bible, which is the infallible Word of God. We believe the Word of God will sanctify the person, edify the body of Christ and Glorify God.

The Faith, Hope & Charity Ministry vision is holistic in nature
seeking to touch humanity wherever a need exist.


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