Planescape Campaign
Planescape Cosmology - Abyss
“Infinite Layers of the Abyss”
Magic work normally, but attract attention from local powers who views spellcasters as a threat, someone who must be dominated or destroyed.
Every recipient of Alteration magic (the caster if there’s no recipient) must pass a Will Save against the DC such spell would impose. If failed, the spell still works, but the alteration is warped (See the back of the Abyss Map).
Divination works fine. But if the target of the spell was a True Tanar’ri or an Abyssal Lord they automatically know (if in the Abyss) and can counterattack with twice the spell levels as the divination has. This attack must come in the same fashion as the divination (sonic attack for clairaudience, visual attacks for clairvoyance, and so on). Another thing, using ESP (or any mind reading power for that matter) on a tanar’ri forces the mage to made a Will save (DC based upon creature: least 10, lesser 15, greater 20, true 25, lord 35). If the roll is made the caster is feebleminded for 2d6 hours but can get some useful information if available. If the roll is not made, the caster suffers from some kind of madness (curable by heal, restoration, limited wish or more) and losses a number of spell levels, half of them permanently (least 1, lesser 2, greater 3, true 4, lord 8).
Illusions and Wild Magic are enhanced schools here. Any wild magic spell sparks a wild surge (roll twice and choose the worst effect).
Necromancy works fine. Animate Dead works, but lesser creatures of the plane can take over the body and normally attack the caster with it. Reincarnation takes the form of a Tanar’ri (Dretch or Manes normally) for non-good and Bodaks for good characters
Elemental magics are divided into protection and damage oriented. Protections fails just before the attack comes (a successful Will save against the DC the protection would impose keeps the protection working). Damaging spells are enhanced doing 1 point of damage extra per die.
Summons only brings forth creatures from the plane of Astral, Outlands, Abyss, Pandemonium, and Carceri. But not always you bring what you wanted. There’s a chance equal to the Spell Level x 10% to summon a Tanar’ri instead (not restricted in any form).
Machinery used to benefit enslavery and maihem does not suffer the penalties for being in a Chaotic plane.
Melroch Eitheldor @ 2003