Battle Skills

This page is where I give you information about the different psychic devices and how they are used. Each section will also have an interesting facts section which, obviously, has a few fun notes about the weapons and how the owners fight. (Some have really quirky ways of fighting. ^_^) The main characters have their own pages but enemies will be on their respective group pages. For example, Neon, Aki and Miki will belong to the Uruha Sound group page. Got it? Great. Now let the battle begin! (I know, I know. You're groaning in agony at my extremely stupid joke. ^_^)

-+Team Hokage+-
Recca Hanabishi
Fuuko Kirisawa
Tokiya Mikagami
Domon Ishijima
Kaoru Koganei

-+The Three Idiots+-
Hanemaru, Tsumemaru and Kuchibashimaru

-+Warrior Team Kuu+-
Daikoku, Minamio, Fujimaru, Saicho and Kuukai

-+Uruha Illusion+-
Shiju, Mokuren, Menou and Genjuro

-+Uruha Sound+-
Aki, Miki and Neon

-+Uruha Magic+-
Tsukishiroi, Kashumaru, Gashakura and Magensha

-+Uruha Scarlet+-
Noroi, Kai, Mikoto, Joker and Kurei

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