Kaoru's Battle Skills
His Psychic Device(s): The Adamantium Blade, or the Kougon
Anki, is an amazing weapon with 5 different forms (plus one last hidden secret
form). To change it from one form to another, the user has to complete a puzzle.
It is said that you can only change it step by step (Eg. form 1 first, then 2,
then 3 etc.), which will take the average person around 1 minute(I think form form 1 to 2 would take 10 seconds, then to 3 would add up to 25 seconds and so on).
However, Kaoru is excellent at solving puzzles and thus is able to change it to
any form he wants in about 0.6 seconds!
How he received it: It was given to him by Kurei, since he
originally worked for the Uruha Junior section. (More info can be found at Kaoru's
The Five (plus the secret hidden one) Forms of the Adamantium
1st form: Fang - The form of the blade when it is at rest. This form is not
very good as the moves performed with it do not vary. 2nd Form: Dragon - Two sickles attached together with a chain. This is
better because it has unpredictable attack patterns. 3rd form: Pole (or scissors) - This can cut an enemy's weapon in half. (or
your skin, for that matter) 4th form: Crescent - A boomerang. This is good since most enemies do not
expect it to come whizzing back to attack them. 5th form: Dark - It is in the shape of a bow which can shoot Dark Arrows. One
of the best, since it can be shot in any direction towards any enemy. 6th form: Nothing (Not too sure about the name)- This isn't really a new form, rather, it is more like a hidden one. Usually, when Kaoru switches the five different basic forms, he uses a shortcut. However, to find and get to the sixth and final form, he has to change forms step by step. The sizth form is basically a form in which the entire weapon falls apart. He then uses the orb to direct the separate pieces. It was not shown in the anime, however.
Battle Skills:
During his battle with Shiju from Uruha Illusion (Anime), when it had caught the Adamantium Blade and had embedded it in
the ceiling, Kaoru kept his cool. When he saw the enemy coming to attack him, he
leapt into the air and, when it struck him, this helped to propel him towards
the Adamantium Blade so that he could get it back. He certainly can jump high.
^_^ Another interesting thing to note is that when Shiju had caught one
of the Dragon's sickles (I'm referring to the 2nd form of the Blade, in case you
didn't know) in its mouth and was using it to swing him around the arena, he
simply changed it to Pole and managed to cut its mouth. So this means that even
during motion he is able to change the Blade's form.
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