Uruha Magic
Members: Tsukishirou, Kashamaru, Gashakura, Magensha
Tsukishirou's Psychic Device: Ocean Moon
How it works: It is shaped and works like a boomerang. It gives the user the
ability to use "Hazy Moon", where the user is able to become
completely invisible.
Kashamaru's Psychic Device: Fake Flame
How it works: The user is able to mimic any type or shape of flame. Kashamaru also fights with a knife tipped with a sleeping potion.
Gashakura's Psychic Device: Foul Spider
How it works: The device is worn on the shoulders and can serve as armour.
Enormous power is needed to wield it. The user's power, speed and defensive
abilities are increased. Multiple tentacles can shoot out from the "armour"
and strike the enemy. Thus, it is a very good device as it can attack and defend
at one go.
Magensha's Psychic Device: Oblivious Dimension (???)
How it works: The user is able to open up a portal which leads to another world, the Oblivious Dimension. Once a person is sent there, he/she will not be able to return. (However, there have been a few exceptions.) Also, Magensha himself is in the oblivious dimension, and from there he controls a puppet which he leads every to believe is the real him. Therefore, he is thought to be immortal, since the Magensha who fought with Domon is the puppet and cannot be killed as it is not alive. Another thing about his device is that in the manga, it seems that there are many different holes leading in and out of the dimension. Of these, there are only two types: The white and the black. When one enters a black whole, he/she will come out of a white hole and vice versa. (That is IF they manage to find the hole)