Uruha Scarlet

Noroi's Psychic Device: Spellbound
How it works: I've finally watched this episode of the anime, so yay! ^_^ Spellbound comes in the form of a mask and possesed dead corpses which it used to fight its opponents. This is very useful because no matter how much damage the body receives, it can feel no pain since it is dead. Originally, however, Spellbound was used only to animate corpses like one would a puppet, but one day, when the user was fatally wounded and about to die, he placed Spellbound over his head, hoping that he would still be able to live that way. However, his body was beyond repair and instead, he found that his soul was absorbed into the psychic device. Thus, from that day onwards, the device (in which now "lived" the user's soul) continued to look for new corpses to posess. One disadvantage of this is that all corpses sooner or later rot, and so he has to keep "body-hopping".

Kai's Psychic Device: Magic Ice Sword
How it works: Kai is able to use the Ice Sword technique (The technique Tokiya uses) with this, but his techniques concentrates more on the element of ice than water. Some of his attacks are:
Ice Snake: A snake made from ice, much like Tokiya's Water Snake.
Icicle Rain (???): He creates dozens upon dozens of icicles to attack the opponent.
Ice Psychic Barrier (???): He uses ice to create a barrier, and also to form armour on his body by coating it with ice.

Mikoto's Psychic Device: She has three, A robot called Mikoto, Poison Nails and Detoxication ball.
How it works: Her robot, Mikoto, is psi-linked with Mikoto (the real one) and can act on her command, so it's pretty unfair, since it's like fighting two people at once. She also has a special poison made up of certain poison plants mixed with a special alloy, and the antidote for that poison.

Joker's Psychic Device: Taishaku Kaiten (English name not given)
How it works: (Manga only) Joker's device can control gravity (Or is it manipulate mass? I'm not too sure), enabling him to increase the weight of an opponent to immobilise him/her, or to make things (and people) very light to prevent himself from being attacked. At least I think so. ^_^ It seems like he can also use his weapon to create a protective shield.

Kurei's Psychic Device: None, he's a flame caster just like Recca. He has a few gold bangles on his left hand to keep the flames in check.
How it works: Originally, Kurei's flame was Scarlet, and came in the shape of a beautiful (But naked... how hentai! O_o) lady. Unlike Recca's flame, which is orange, his is blue. (Or white. Whatever. Blue is more scientific, though. ^_^) Blue flames (Or non-luminous) are in reality stronger (read: hotter) than orange flames (aka luminous). I guess this is true since Kurei is probably stronger than Recca. Anyway, Kurei's flame also comes in the form of the sacred flame: Phoenix! It is very, VERY powerful. He has had another flame take on the shape of Jishou, the man who died at the hands of Magensha before being able to fight Recca, so now he has two different flames. (Not including the Phoenix).

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