
Well, even though this is the first update I've written down, technically it isn't the first update ever, since I've only just decided to write down my updates. I can't remember when I first updated my FoR page, though. Anyway, so far I've got the character profiles of Fuuko, Tokiya, Kaoru, Recca and Yanagi. 4 pages in the Battle Skills section are up: Fuuko, Tokiya, Kaoru and Uruha Sound. Um, the Kaoru Shrine is up, even though there really isn't anything there at the moment. I've just joined 3 FoR webrings; you can see them in the Webrings page. And of course, I have the updates page! :p
That about wraps up today's updates. I know I have a lot more to do. Just be patient, ok? ^_^

The links section is up.

Added The Three Idiots,Warrior Team Kuu, Uruha Illusion, Uruha Sound and Uruha Magic to the Battle Skills page. I joined a new webring called the Flame of Recca Webring. Added some fanart (Though by rights it shouldn't be called fanart; it's just a sketch) and the list of Japanese Versus English words.

I've finally got a Flame of Recca manga! Whee! *hugs it tightly) Unfortunately, I've only got number 13. I WOULD have bought more but they only had one left. *sigh*. Anyway, thanks to the manga, I managed to set up the Fire Dragons page, found under Recca's Battle Skills, and even scanned in the pictures of 5 of 'em. Be on the lookout for more scans!

Tokiya's profile is up. (Finally!)

I've finished Domon's profile.

2/2/2k (Don't you just love all those 2s? ^_^)
Okay, I've added the "You Know You Love Kaoru Koganei Too Much When..." page. If you think it sucks, don't blame me. (I wouldn't mind suggestions!) I'm really bad at cracking jokes. I know, I know, I shouldn't be putting it up then, right? But hey, practically every character shrine has one, so...
Like I say, go with the flow, man! LOL.
Since I've added a link to another Kaoru Koganei page, I think you should go see it. It is fantastic! I'm so sad that mine is so shabby compared to it. Wah!!!!! ^_^ Anyway, I've been thinking of maybe making other mini shrines to the less popular characters... I'll think about it. Maybe I'll do them on Saicho and Raiha... as I said, I'm not sure if I have the time (Or skills.. seeing other wonderful FoR pages makes me wonder how they do it! I'm so envious!). But I might!

I've decided to put the Raiha and Saicho Shrine on a trial run. If I can't think of interesting things to put up or have no time to update them, then I'll take them down. Right now they are up, but don't bother going into any of them, since the links in the shrines aren't working yet.

It's Chinese New Year now, so I only have to for a really quick update. (I'm so busy visiting relatives. Sorry! ^_^) Edited some pages to make them look better and added the manga page. So far I've only got like, two measly bits of information, but that's because I stayed up really late and had no time to squeeze in more. I'll add more soon, I promise!

I've kept my promise and updated the manga page. If you have any questions you want to ask me regarding the manga, e-mail me and I'll try my best to answer it, though I can't guarantee I know the answer. The "Japanese Vs. English was updated as well. I've added Raiha's profile as well as the "You Know You Love Raiha Too Much When...", but I've read it over and it doesn't seem funny at all. -_-

I've got "The Mystery Man's Relationships" page up, but I couldn't think of anymore people connected with him to write about. I have yet to work on the Saicho page... *sigh*

Got the "Proof of Love Page" up! I'm so happy!

Added 2 more pics to the "Proof of Love" page.

Whoops! The two pictures I added yesterday were linked to the wrong graphics! I fixed this mistake and moved the dialogue between Fuuko and Raiha when he saved her from drowning from "Raiha's Profile" to the "Proof of Love" page. Also finished the Uruha Scarlet page.

I've added more stuff to the Jap Vs Eng page and might be putting some fanfics up tomorrow. (Not my own... I haven't had time to write any yet.)

Ok, so I've put up the two fanfics. I also added some stuff to the Jap vs. Eng page. Finally, finally, FINALLY I have finished Kagerou's profile and Domon's battle skills. It's about time! ^_^

Listed some more names on the character profiles page; I'll be putting the links up as and when I have the time to do them.

Edited the main page to Raiha's shrine and added a new link to a Saicho shrine plus the banner to Stiil Waters Run Deep.

Great news! I am now the proud owner of FoR manga volumes 6-13! (Excluding 11, but I've read it since my friend owns it) So far I haven't read 'em all, but once I do, expect to see many more pics! I've also put up the "Two sides of the same coin" section of the Raiha Shrine. I've also edited the shrine main pages a bit, and I know the words are abit hard to read thanks to that, but I'll try correcting this soon. Also added a few more links in the links section.

Yay! I've got an award! Thank you, Sarah! *Sniffles and gets all teary eyed) If you want to see it, just go to the Awards page. (But honestly, I never expected to get an award. I mean honestly, my site is so plain!)
Anyway, I also joined a new webring. If this keeps up, I'll have to move the rings to 2 separate pages! :D
Also updated the proof of love page, thanks to the fact that I now have more manga volumes. Whee! ^_^

Put up the "Names and their Meanings" page up. I've still got a lot more names to translate, though. And I'm thinking about taking down the Kaoru and Saicho shrines since (1) There are already a shrine to each of those people and (2) I haven't done anything to them. Maybe I'll set up a Neon shrine instead. (Yeah, I know. I seem to like all the "bad guys". But they aren't bad, really. Neon has such an ill-fated love! *wah...*) Anyway, I'll think about it.

Finished Ganko's profile.

29/2/2k (Don't you just love this date? A leap year! Whee! ^_^)
Yay! Finally finished making my banner! I added it in the links page. And I decided to have my Neon shrine; I'll leave the Kaoru and Saicho shrines (Which are, might I add, VERY bare) up until I decide whether to keep them or not. (Most probably not. I'll try to decide by tomorrow)
Also put up the Ramblings page, even though I've only got one entry up so far and I'm going to edit next time.

Okay, so I lied. I didn't update last weekend after all. >_< It's partly due to the fact that I have about 8 more tests coming up this month (Plus another 2 already past [passed?]), but I can't put all the blame on them. I'm a terribly lazy person. *sighZ*
So, new layout today, and nothing else. I AM going to try updating this weekend, REALLY. And I have a few new fanfics to post, so watch out for those. I really promise to do my best to update this weekend, but I don't trust my date-giving anymore. >_<

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