




Fish animation and heading reports


There is an early run of salmon in April and May but under current legislation any salmon caught before 16th June must be released. There is a further run in September and early October. The last 10 days of the season are catch and release only. The majority of salmon caught weigh between 6lb and 10lb but occasionally fish of over 14 lb are taken. It was a Rapala which proved the downfall of the 14lb 7oz salmon pictured. It was caught on the Tynewydd beat,Whitland in late August 2004.

14lb 7oz salmon




SEATROUT (Also called sewin):

The majority of the seatrout caught on the Taf weigh between 1lb and 3lb but much bigger fish run the river such as this superb 8lb 2oz fish caught on spinner in June 2002 on the Ddolerwydd beat, St Clears.


8lb 2oz sewin






Each season several fish of over 4lb in weight are caught on fly. The larger fish run from May onwards while the smaller fish appear in July. The 6lb 12oz seatrout pictured below was caught on a Sweeny Todd on the Tynewydd beat,Whitland. The fish was caught on 4th August 1999 at 10.15p.m. in low water conditions on a floating line.


6lb 12 oz sewin






On 12th June 2006 the superb seatrout of 10lb 1oz, pictured below, was taken on fly in Clogyfran corner pool.


10lb 1oz sewin






While the vast majority of the brown trout are on the small side,each season fish of over 1lb are taken by all methods. The trout season ends on 30th September.

[For anglers who prefer stillwater trout fishing a number of waters are available such as Llysyfran Reservoir (Tel: 01437 532273) and White House Mill Trout Fishery (Tel: 01834 831304) ]


The low rainfall for most of the month of March has resulted in the river being low and clear.


The low clear conditions resulted in catches in the first few days being confined to brown trout. Rainfall towards the end of the first week improved conditions and on 11th April Granville Davies caught a 5lb sewin on rapala on St. Clears water. After a further period of rain towards the end of the month, a sewin of 1lb 9oz was taken by Mark John at Fforest Farm, Whitland.


Although the river is lower than the seasonal normal, periods of rain have brought fish into the river. On 5th May Roy Adams caught and returned a fresh run salmon of between 7 - 8lb at Fforest, Whitland. Later in the month a sewin of 6lb was taken by Tony O'Neil at Clogyfran and one of 3lb by Glyn Davies below St. Clears, while Granville Davies continued his good start to the season with a sewin of 7lb at Fforest.


This month has witnessed good catches of sea trout. Spencer Jeremiah took a fish of 6lb 10oz on a Mepps at Fforest Farm, Whitland. The Rapala has also proved successful for several anglers with sewin in the1 and a half to 3lb range being taken by Granville Davies, Glyn Gibby, Rob Good, Glyn Richards, Wyn Rosser and Anthony Wilson. On the warmer nights the fly has worked well; Roy Adams has caught two fish of 3 and a half pounds and another at just under 5lb and Mark John, two fish of 2lb andb 3lb. While there have been several reported sightings of large salmon in the river, these fish have proved elusive.


Good quality sea trout have been the main feature of fishing on the Taf in July. Holidaymaker Wayne Davy caught a fish of 7 and a half pounds at Fforest Farm,while Whitland anglers Wyn Rosser and Mark John took ones of 7lb and 6lb respectively. Several sewin in the 3lb - 5lb class have been weighed in by numerous anglers including Roy Adams, Granville Davies, Peter Fuller, David Howells, Dai Noot and Alan Proctor. Salmon have been scarcer but a 12lb fish was caught by Ernie Jones at Clogyfran and two of 6lb and 7lb by Dempsey Lee at Whitland.


August proved to be a good month for salmon and sewin on the Taf. Salmon of 14lb, 13lb and 10 and a half pounds were caught by Ray Amner, Dean John and Wyn Rosser respectively, while Don Phillips had a grilse of 5lb. Worms and spinner brought Whitland anglers Frankie Storer and Rob Good sewin of 7lb and 5lb 5oz but the fly was the successful method for Anthony Wilson with a fish of 5lb and Mark John who had two 4lb specimens on consecutive casts.


Plentiful rainfall in the first half of the month produced good catches with the Fforest Farm beat being prominent. It was there that Spencer Jeremiah caught a superb salmon of 15lb 9oz and Glyn Gibby one of 12lb and where Andrew Ryder, after instruction from the aforementioned anglers, caught a 12lb fish on his first ever attempt to fish for salmon During their week long stay at Fforest Farm Londoners Steve Knight and Mick Fenech caught 13 sea trout and 3 grilse of around 5lb. Further up river at Whitland Neville Pearce took a salmon of 14lb 3oz. Salmon of 8lb and 6 and a half pounds were also caught by Mel Williams and Roy Adams, while Roy Thomas had a sewin of 4lb 11oz.