See also The Armanen Futharkh: A Controversial Rune Row? and The Meaning of the Armanen Runes
The Hexagonal Crystal System and the Armanen Runes - Version 1.3
Guido von List's runic system of the Armanen is said to be, by his followers, based around the geometrical structure of the Hexagon and interestingly, the Hexagonal Crystal. To his contemporaries, the system is said to imitate "...the hexagonal lattice underlying the structure of matter." (Pennick) The fact that all of the 18 runes can be projected by light because of the geometry of the hexagon " the basis of an enormous increase in crystal power when it is associated with Rune images." (Welz)
One can shine a light through a Hexagonal Crystal, the best example being a clear quartz crystal, at different angles and project all of List's 18 Armanen runes. List and his followers saw this as the "frozen light" in which the Armanen runes are seen to be encoded and "According to this theory, when light is shone vertically through a crystal, the full, six-branched Hagal rune is then projected." (Welz)
When it is shone at right angles to the crystal, the straight ice rune, Is, is then revealed. Correspondingly, the other runes are made by shining light at the appropriate angle. This means that the special geometrical angle that produces each rune also expresses its magickal relationship to the cosmos. Looked at in this way, each rune can be viewed as a form of spatial energy-mathematics." (Pennick)
List's rune row was rather rigid while the runes of the past had sharp angles for easy carving, his were to be carefully and perfectly made so that their shape would be a reflection of the ' frozen light ', a pattern that he had found in his runes.
The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes are a symbolism that represents universal cosmic structures. They connect with - the natural zodiac of creative energies -
the periodic system of chemical elements -
the world crystal, and crystal structures in general -
a Runic musical scale -
the system of numbers (Welz)
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