... to my slice of cyberspace - and G'Day from Western Australia.


Golfball Collection | Gus' Place | Kostya's Place |
All I Need To Know I Learned From My Cats | World Trip 2002

Greetings from Kalgoorlie, located 600 kilometres east of Perth in Western Australia. Kalgoorlie is famous (or infamous - take your pick) as a gold and nickel mining town. It also has a more colourful history of being a legalised brothel town with three (I think) brothels which still operate within the town. Two that I know of have tours. Kalgoorlie also is renowned for its skimpies (skimpily-clad barmaids) at its numerous pubs.

When I get a bit of time I'll post some pics here of Kalgoorlie, and find some appropriate links for you to visit.

Please feel free to browse through my homepages. I hope you find something of interest. If you have any comments send me a quick email to let me know what you think.


Our golfball display currently has over 1,000 golballs in it.
HEY... YOU OUT THERE! We've got some spares and we'll swap if you've got some that we don't have. HERE is a link to our golfball collection. You'll find photos of more golfballs as well as information on how we find them (or how they find us!!) and what type of golfballs we collect.

We are owned by two very spoiled and adorable cats - Gus is a chocolate Burmese and Kostya is a Russian Blue. They are indoor cats (much to the disgust of Gus) but go outside when we're at home during the day and on weekends. They're getting a bit long in the tooth now and seem quite content to just sit outside in the beautiful sunshine. They're always in at night. When I hear the catfight outside at night at least I can turn over and go back to sleep knowing it's neither of our cats in the melee. Follow these links to see their sites:
Our domineering but adorable Burmese.

Our gentle natured Russian Blue.

I've also created a page for cat lovers (as well as for those who think they dislike cats).
All I Needed To Know About Life I Learned From My Cats
It's a fun page for cats and their humans.

Before you leave this site, please visit my other links.

Golfball Collection | Gus' Place | Kostya's Place | Page For Cat Lovers | World Trip 2002

Thanks to

for my beaut background.

Last Updated April 2009.

This Backgrounds By Marie Webring site
is owned by Liz
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