Welcome to  Flo's  homepage!
(in CA/USA)
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Whatz uuuuuuuuup????
My name is Flo.
I have been an exchange student in Willits,
California, since one year!
I live in the south-west  of Germany next to the Rhine river. My town Ketsch is near Hockenheim, where the Formula 1 Races are held and also next to Heidelberg, with its wonderful castle.
Well, I'm enjoying my time here in California!
I have made lots of wonderful friends and my host-familiis are wonderful!I Couldn't be better at all!
I hope you enjoy checking out my homepage that I have started just a cupple months ago!

cu all later!

senior portrait
e-mail: Solda@gmx.de
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hot links
instant messenger page
If you have an mp3 player and a you are a Star Wars fan you should  listen to that! just klick on the text!
Well, a few more hours and minutes and I'll be flying home to Germany!
To tell you the truth:
I have always hoped never to get to this point!
I don't want to leave! If you believe it or not! One year away from home is not that long, that might sound weird but it actually feels like it's only a few weeks or a month long!
Sure I want to see my family and my friends in Germany but I also don't want to say good bye to all my friends in California. Guys, I will miss you very very  much and I will never forget you.
It has been a great year for me that I will never forget! Thank you so much!
That's enough now! I have to continue to party! That's California! Sorry guys!  :-0= 
Love u all!

PS: I'll be back!
view my old gestbook (#1)