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Kays  Kreations  LP, Las Vegas NV. 89112
Tel (702) 243-6000  Fax (702) 734-6001.
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How it is Done?
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What our Clients Desire.:  Homeowners, Buisiness Owners, Investors, Tenants & Patrons all love & enjoy the beauty of architectural  concrete surfaces. The Use of cemititious and overlayment materials has experienced tremendous growth during recent years and as more people are discovering the many styles and methods available the trend will contiue to rise.
As Founder of  Las Vegas's premiere architectural flooring, Our clients demand protection for there investment, Preservation of Value
and the finest appearance to reflect your pride of ownership.
"Beautiful relationship starts with a superior foundation."

Services Offered.:
Innovative flooring systems that replaced tile,stone,kool deck,terrazzo marble, and other hard surface flooring materials. Kays flooring systems provide durable, easy to maintain surfaces that purvey both form and function. Kays concrete innovative flooring products provide unlimited design capabilities applied with unprecented quality and craftsmanship, even in the most challenging conditions.

Our Specialties include.: Overlayment stamping applications, Clor Flake, Broom Finish, Concrete
pavors, staining, Cleaning, Sealing, Architectural Coloring, Maintenance Programs for residential and Commercial.

Our Pledge.:Kays Kreations is committed to providing the available service in a timely manner and conducting all buisiness with complete integrity. We assure you of the very highest standards of quality and workmanship through the utilization of the state of the art machinery, the finest products available. Thus by guranteeing each customer's satisfaction.

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Floors - Las Vegas Floors Company - Kays Kreations