January 1999


       On Christmas day, Santa gave me a new mobile phone (an Ericsson SH 888). It's the "toy I dream for" from a long time.

       "And, what's so important?" you surely will ask.

       It's important because, now, I can take with me my personal office (my "old" notebook and my new communication gate) anywhere I go. My new mobile phone is Internet ready.

       "Big deal ..." you probably will say.

       For me, it's a very big deal. I'm permanently in move and I need to keep in touch with "my World".
       My new 888 has an internal modem (no PCMCIA required for my notebook), which is faster for GSM data communication purposes. So, there are no compatibility problems and the data flow is optimised. Plus, the communication with my notebook is cordless because 888 has a built in infrared communication port.

       Now, I'm "on-line" wherever and whenever I want to be.
       It's comfortably to download my mail while travelling to the Capital city, or to navigate the Internet while resting somewhere in the middle of Nature :-), or to teach someone of my executives how to accomplish a task by taking the control of his computer from my car.
       I just put my 888 near my notebook and get connected.
       Finally, I've got a new "dream": my notebook is too heavy yet; what about having my office in my pocket?

       I found on the Ericsson Web site, between the SH888 accessories, a palmtop (MC16) which may solve this problem.

       I hope that soon, this new "dream" will become true.

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