Brr! It is sure cold here in New England. You kitties
in the temperate zones sure are lucky. We see frost
when we gaze on our backyard gardens. The frost fairy
has been at work on the gardens. The birds sure look
fat and cold with their feathers fluffed up.You will find
us two curled up for a nap in a warm chair in February.
Meowmie has started her seeds for our flower gardens.
She likes to start Cosmos and pansies from seeds. We are
content to just look at her African violets this time of year.
Indoor plants like African violets make a wonderful
addition to any decor. Some cats will ignore the greenery,
some may dig in the soil a little and many are curious about
the texture and taste of objects that dangle before their eyes.
We two like to sample on Meowmie's spider plants. When considering
selections of houseplants, one must consider the safety of felines.
Some Safe Plants for Cats
Spider Plant
Boston Fern
Some Poisonous Plants for Cats
Mother-in-law Tongue
Morning Glory
Orbit has a wonderful web site for you cats to visit and
Orbit sent in these two links which are on her home page.
Toxic Plants
and Non-Toxic Plants
Tiddler and Moonlight sent in this information...
Our human has been surprised to see some of the plants which are
poisonous to cats. Our human mother's favorite flowers were daffodils
and I am pretty sure that she did not know that thye were poisonous
to us cats. In our house at the moment we have a great big weeping
fig and also a Schefflera (umbrella plant) which we did not know were
poisonous. Neither did our humans. Over the years our humans have
become very attached to these plants, which lived here before we came.
They consider them to be like old friends and they will find it difficult
to part with them. The list of dangerous and safe plants will be very
useful to us in the future. Purrs, Tiddler and Moonlight.
Weeping Fig
Umbrella Plant
Your activity for this month's garden is to mew about houseplants.
Send in your submissions by clicking on the mail button below.
Purr to us, Sophie and Shirley.
Please send in your biographies for our "Getting To Know You" page.
Remember, all of our gardens are open for submissions.
Our information about cats and houseplants was taken from this
site. Please check it out to discover what plants to avoid
in decorating with houseplants with cats in the home.
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original composition by
Night Angel©
Used with permission
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