A cat improves the gardenwall in sunshine

and the hearth in foul weather.




November Activity

In the northeast my Meowmie's garden has been put to sleep.
She has lifted all of her tender bulbs and has mulched her
beds to protect her perennials' roots. Some lucky kitties
in the temperate zones can still garden and enjoy flowers,
birds and insects all year long. We northeast and northwest
kitties have to be content in doing indoor gardening.

My Meowmie still likes to get garden dirt under her
fingernails. To do this, she likes indoor gardening.
One of Meowmie's projects is to force paperwhites and
amaryllis bulbs. You southern kitties can plant these
outdoors in the fall where they will bloom in the winter.


*Common name...Paperwhites, Tazetas, Narcissus
*Light requirements...Part to full sun
*Planting depth...5 to 6 inches
*Zone range...Damage occurs at 35 degrees F
Excellent for forcing indoors
Winter bloomer in temperate regions
*Bloom...Early winter

Paperwhites and amaryllis can be forced indoors without
pre-chilling for forcing. Tulips, hyacinths and other
spring bulbs require pre-chilling for forcing. Paperwhites
can be planted in soil, soil-less growing mediums or
water. You will need a container for your bulbs.
My Meowmie has always collected McCoy pottery plant
containers and uses them for her paperwhites. I enjoy
viewing her paperwhites and amaryllis every winter.
Your activity for this month is to send in what you like
to do for indoor gardening. Send in your submissions by
clicking on the mail button below. Purr to me, Lloyd.

Please rember that all of our gardens are open for submissions.






The lovely painting, "Boucat" by Braldt Bralds is provided courtesy of 

Christ Centered Art and is used with permission.  http://www.777art.com



The midi is playing Tender by:




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