Anne Cordelia

I live on the high desert in Nevada, in a little town
called Tonopah which is halfway between Las Vegas and
Reno. To put me on the map, I am just about where the
'N' is. Nevada's state flower is the sagebrush. It's
not a showy flower, or highly perfumed. It's simple,
with small golden flowers, but it has a beauty all of it's own.

And here is my story. I am a pure black girl, with gold
eyes, and I was born in June 1999, so I am 2 now. I was
born in an oil refinery about 8 miles from town, out in
the desert. Farfur used to work there. There was a
colony of feral kitties living there, in the tank farm,
and Meowmie used to tend them and go out every day to
feed them. And my catMom went to the Bridge when I was
about four weeks old, so my Meowmie brought me home here.
It was scary at first, because I was never near a human,
and there were three big old cats here already, but my
brofur Charlie Foreland, who is the same age as me, came
home with me. His catMom had gone to the Bridge just after
mine, and so we curled up together, and a man picked us up
and put us in a box and gave us to Meowmie when she came
out to feed the kitties.

Meowmie named me Anne Cordelia, after Anne of Green Gables,
who was an orphan girl like me, and who always wanted to be
Cordelia and not just plain Anne. But mostly, I get called
Annie Bodanny. Since Charlie and I have come here, Meowmie
has brought three other orphan kitties from the same colony
that we came from- Michelle Kadiddee, Simon Kadiddee and
Priscilla Patches. So now our house has eight cats.

I am not a terribly well-known cat around TCMC; my older
siblings, Minnie Mouser and Miss Pinkerton tend to take most
of the limelight. I just work here quietly. ( I am the
Membership Kitty, so I meet all of the new memfurs).
I have fun at my guilds. And I like to mew on the email
lists to my kitty friends.

I go to parties and things with my friend Sluggo, who is
also in TCMC. He is a handsome black cat too! You can see
us dining at the Lobster Bistro.

At home, I like to be outside. I play in the garden, and
I have to confess that I am naughty - I like to catch birdies.
Meowmie gets angry with me, and she won't let me bring them inside,
but, I just can't help myself. I am the only one of the Kadiddees
who is a bird catcher.

In summer I stay outside a lot, but in winter I go out just
a little bit. I have started staying inside already; I sleep
by the fire in the evening and then go to bed. I like to get
under the quilt and curl up against Meowmie. She complains
that she has no room, but at least I keep her warm. Tee hee.
And I love to eat. Meowmie says I am a Clever Cat...I can
open doors and cupboards, and I talk to her. She calls it
'yammering' but it is talking, and sometimes I sing to her too.
She also says I am hatching up trouble. That's true. I have
attached a photo of me getting into the cupboard where the cat
food tins live. (I opened the door). But I didn't get into
trouble, because Simon and Cilla got up there too.(That's the
second photo). Simon is getting in, Cilla is getting up to
join us and I am pretending to be innocent!

Anyhow, that's my life story. Now you know me :)

Dear Shirley and Sophie, Hello from Selkie Sue! Here is my picture. I am excited about the flower guild, my meowmie had lots of roses and is trying to grow some lavender this year. We also have some faeries who live in our backyard and play the pipes when the moon is full while sitting on toadstools all in a ring! We do lots of things to encourage them to stay, they are so kewel!

This is my story. My meowmie is Nancy Weeks and her e-mail is: . I was born in a barn way out in the country. My fur meowmie was an old cat who had had lots and lots of babies so there were lots of Aunts and Uncles living in the barn too and she didn't pay a lot of attention to us, I think she was very tired. Then one day my hoomin meowmie came and she said she was looking for a gray and white, long-haired kitten, so I didn't think she would want me. It was very strange then when she picked me up and looked at me and said, " This is the one!" I didn't know what to think! I did have a sister just like meowmie said she wanted so it was surprising that she looked in my eyes and wanted me! When we got home, I found out I had a brother named Shamus Blue. Meowmie had tried to bring home another kitten before me and Shamus did not like her at all, he had had a fit! At any rate, meowmie figured he would also have a fit over me but as soon as she sat the carrier down, Shamus came to the front and started trying to get me out. When the door was opened, he touched his nose to mine and started to purr, he never hissed the first time! I know he says he is a big, bad Tom, but he lets me wash his face and ears all the time and he's really just a big marshmallow! I am almost 3 years old now and love my home. I also have a younger sister, Firefly Faerie, who just turned 1. I am a very shy kittie usually and hide whenever someone comes to my house but I love my meowmie and stay by her side most of the day. I am winked to Sir Bash, who is also very shy and meowmie says we are a good match. We are planning to be wedwinked in the next year.
I am really happy to be asked to be part of this club and hope I can make many contributions. Purries from Selkie Sue

Flower Society

Flower Society