About me


1->mike z 2->14 yrs old (aug 1st) 3->chinese/singaporean/canadian 4->male 5->richmond hill CANADA! 6->single 7->unionville HS 8->ICQ:242503037 9->msnm: elhazardman@hotmail.com 



Happy b-day agnes! muhaha...may u grow taller meh...math test 2morro, shouldn't be that hard...since this chapter's stuff is pretty ez...did my second fitness test for gym today...38 push-ups (4-) and 70 crunches (3-, should have gotten a 3!! lvl3=75)...i suck but o well, at least i got at least 15 more of each than my first test in september =) sintax meeting tomorrow...dunno if i can make it...i got art class after and maybe even buying that present that candy told me to buy for candys bro 4 her to give 2 his b-day present...o.0 anyways i probably wont update da site 4 the next couple days to set up a new layout on hostultra...ciao 


Happy b-day steven! 0w...hit in da face twice today...by da stupid ART PORFOLIOS! ggrrr...stupid sylvia...and u too shiny...meh! chinese class tomorrow again! hm...get to watch the 3 year old chinese show 薰衣草! heh..=) inu yasha today...in 20 mins! not that i didn't already see these next 2 episodes...yup i've already seen up to episode 84...o yea! i uploaded the download program (torrent) to download episodes 85-107 of inu yasha i think...download the torrent installation program here and the bit-torrent program donwloads here! (*note: first install torrent then download the bit-torrent files and open them; select the location of the download and yes it'll take a while...but it does feature download continuation so u can continue the download even if u closed the program, just save it under the same name!)


sintax meeting cancelled o.0 o well...meeting is rescheduled to next tuesday... stupid rock climbing...made me get a blister on my right hand...candy thanks for hittin me in da head with my visor...blah so much hwk today...i am really having bad luck today...


Rrgh...hot a blister on my hand from climbin the stupid rope...blah Happy bday MOM! and happy bday shiny's brother! and happy bday vinci! (funni flyin squirrels...is today like birthday day or something...) and happy unbirthday to all who dont have their bdays today! mehehe... anyways i can go to sleep in today and tomorrow! yup...until the bus comes (which is 11 00...meh...i went there 10 45 today and panicked cus the bus didnt come...lol...it was so stupid...) cus of da gr10 literacy test so  for these 2 days school starts at 11 15! =) hm...sintax meeting tomorrow...i barely even thought of any ideas for it =P o well i signed on a new host for the new layout im creatin... from www.hostultra.com , it should be better...expect it to come into effect in one week or so...


Rock climbing! wheee! finally learned how to rock-climb...not that i like it...but rock climbin! yea...anyways the first english edition of the new tenchi muyo! finally came out! in chapters! mehehehe...and i brought a copy of course. i also read stephen king a lot..hm...never tried his series the dark tower before though...so bought the first book to try if it's good meh! any o yes, da gr9s in uhs had dis geo trip thingy...all da ppl who had geography this semester were gone on a stupid field trip... in all my classes...at least half the class was empty...hm...i got almost no homework too cus of the supplie teachers i had 'cus of the trip! =) hm...thinkin of changing the layout for this site...if u have any good ones...email me or msnm me or icq me...either is fine...


Bored...bored...bored...bored...bored...bored...bored...bored...bored...yea u get my point! hm...my dad and one of his colleague went to niagara falls today...so it's only me and my mom...again! sigh...o yea...shiny u missed the bus again! muhaha...at least i think u did...meh nothing much happened... i miss the tryout for the table tennis team cus i forgot to bring a racket...blah stupid stupid me...also there was a "open sign-up...thingy" at the caf on friday for the clubs at uhs...there was even an emilem club! o yea also updated the pics and goodies section, check them out!meh...bored...bored...bored...bored...bored...


Happy b-day melissa! heh...just finished watchin da 8 00 chinese show thingy...hm...pretty good. i even think it's better than the last one...but i couldn't watched the last episode of the last series ='(...o well...meh! anyways some more news...signups for the tech team for the grade 8 presentation next month...there's a afternoon team and a night team...u get to earn community hours for the night team! hehe...maybe gonna try to sign up if i have time. sintax meeting tomorrow rm301 after school..meh...i'm only going if there are more than 3 people there...sylvia...steven...terrian...u better be going... take-your-kid-to-work day is comin up too! gonna miss a whole day of skool!...=)


Busy busy busy! gotta finish that art project that's due on friday! hm..invisible city...mine's isn't as good as it looks, but it'll be better! also just finished a french test and the second part of the math test...the french test was okie and the 2nd part of the math test (TIPS and communication), is also quite easy and pretty short too. Got the first part of the math test back today! the first mark out of 40 wasn't as good as the second mark out of 22. but it'ks okie...at least nothing below 75%...meh...! Sintacks metting comin up! i need to know the room number for the thursday meeting! also OSSLT thingy comin up too! dun have'ta go 2 skool before 11 15! >=) heheh....g'ah...Busy busy busy


Happy thanksgiving people! may everyone enjoy a good burned to the bone turkey! ..d'heheh...anyways i don't even celebrate thxgivin so i don't really care...meh I brought some stuff while at waterloo the last 2 days...one pair of winter boots...one pair of running shoes...and a bag! Other than that, most of the time i spent playin' and watchin tv...=) sigh...stupid french test...got so much to study and remember but im still pretty good at french so i at least won't fail! meep...then there's the 2nd part of the math test on tuesday too...stupid TIPS question and communication question...i hate dem i hate dem i hate dem i hate dem!!!! sigh...when'd we get the first part of the math test back anyways?...o yea! and the table tennis tryouts on friday went pretty ok...it was only a practice and the tryouts are next friday so people could still tryout. we're gonna have 3 junior girls, 3 junior boys, 3 senior girls, and 3 senior boys...i hope i make it!


HAPPY B-DAY shiny =)! okie anyways meh! french test on tuesday! ggrrr...we got a review today in class and i did quite well i tink...so i shud not get dat bad on da test! o yea there's also a table tennis team tryout tomorrow...man...there were like 10 grade 12's on the sign up sheet...i doubt i'm gonna make it...but, i must beat terrian! ggrrr...squirrels rule, and chipmunks...uh...dont (cats dont either! heh)! meh! yeh! also october fest tomorrow...i wanna go on that jumpy castle thingy! heh...long weekend comin up (not 2 mention my dad comin bak from korea)...me goin 2 my cuz's house in waterloo! =) gonna stay over 4 the night on friday and come back saturday night...heh gonna be fun!


hm...the math test was easier than i thought...probably because there wasn't that much explaining questions. But i doubt that i got it perfect! meh...i wanted to join the art yearbook meeting today to...but i got art classes after, so i couldn't go...sigh...i hope i could make it to the sintacks meeting though on thursday! (rm201)


Aiya! i gotta study for my math test! Tomorrows the test date! phooey! i'm gonna study till 12 00 tonight and if i fail the test tomorrow...someone is seriously gonna die...anyways, haha shiny! u missed the bus today! hehe...and i wonder if candy's head is still okie after it got HIT by sylvia when sylvia SLAMMED the door on candys head! funny flyin' squirrels...u are a evil evil girl sylvia! i'm thinkin' of joining the sintacks thingy (arts york mangazine thingy i think...), but i'm not so sure about the chinese debate club! hm...i suck at chinese and that's why i'm taking mandarin courses! and because i want the credit but that's not my point...meh! crazy day in baseball too! 2 players collided in the oakland and boston match just now...and then a oakland fan had to be restrained and sent out of the stadium by security 'cus of saying something to one of the boston players... meh! time to go back to studying studying studying! 


Hhhmmmmmmmm...today was quite boring...my dad went to a business trip to korea so i had to stay home with my mom. Sigh...there was almost nobody on msn...nothing to watch on tv...nothing to play...i shud hav brought my art project home to work on. yup...the invisible city thing...but then mines not that good anyways...and its due in one week! meh...stupid math test is coming up too...the teach says its the biggest and hardest test yet!...wow im gonna fail since i got 2/8 in a subject of my previous math test...o yea and yes lucy...your name is on my website...happpppppyyyyyyyyyy? =P i hope the next week would be less boring!


YYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!! hahahahaa...finally...after so long...i finally publish my website...my first squirrelly website...=)! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy! o yea and today was pajama day too in skool! hm...because SOMEONE didn't wear their pjs today, i didn't either! anyways i didn't go to the manga/anime thingy today after school 'cus there were like only 4 people there when i went in...man...at least it's better than thornlea...which is the school i'm supposed to go to if i didn't make the arts york program at uhs...no offence, my pals at thornlea...=)


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I don't phooey know how to upload da webpage on 2 da web!! ahhhhhhh...omg...yes i noe im very stupid but i 'll figure is sooner or later..meh. Anyways i uploaded most of images and stuff today...so da site is ready to go but i still don't know how to upload da pages!...ggrr....hm... time to sleep...*YAWN* hm... working for 3 hours straight is a verrrryyyyyyyyyy long time...zzz.....


HEYA peeps! IT'S ME! MIKE Z...michael...mikey...mickey mouse...OR formerly known as the flyin.squirrel! hehe...i finally made my first website! woohoo! just to tell you i tried to make like 3 of them before i finally made this one (including asianavenue but i truely do't get da html stuff...). Too bad all of them failed...meh! anywayz da site is still not finished la, so ill update it every few days. So COMMENTS COMMENTS COMMENTS! dont forget to sign my guestbook either! hm...enjoy! =)


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