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27 Jan, 06


I worked on leveling the floor inside the building today. 



My goal here is to bury as much of the white foam as I can, lifting the entire floor but leaving at least 10 inches of dirt on top of the foam.



I have smoothed about 1/3rd of the floor. When finished I will have to bring in a truck load or two of dirt to finish off the top. It will then need to be packed down (tamped) then covered with linseed oil to seal it. I haven't seen a finished product but they say it is very pretty.




In the picture above you can see the gravel type dirt that covers the whole area under this are huge slabs of rock, some as big as cars, but flat.



in the picture above right lower side see the stump? I will have to dig this out. it will make a big whole but, I can feel it with foam.


here I have just started to dig a small stump beside the bigger one out..




Supposed to rain tomorrow.. if so no work but if not I'll work on digging out those two stumps. No biggie compared to the first one..LOL..have a good night!..nelda




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