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This page last updated 10/06/2004
Photo of O'Brien Copper Pennywhistle set with clear-coat finish and clear Lucite fipple

David O'Brien has been handcrafting pennywhistles from copper since 1996

Originally started as a hobby, these tunable, great sounding whistles
bring him into focus as an up and coming whistlesmith.

Designed with a separate head joint, a set comes with a variety of
interchangeable bodies, including D, C, Eb and Bb.

Each signed and numbered whistle comes in either clear-coated copper,
to protect the finish, or nickel-plated copper.
A choice of fipple material includes copper, clear lucite, black delrin, or oak.
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Guarantee - 30 day money back, and lifetime maintenance
Fipple and Finish Choices - take a look at the options for Fipple materials and how they affect the sound of O'Brien Whistles, and see the difference between the clear-coated copper and the nickle plating
Listen to audio clips of the different fipple types and some of our favorite tunes
Pricing/Ordering Information, including wholesale and retail choices
Testimonials and Reviews - See what people are saying about O'Brien Pennywhistles
Illustration of O'Brien Pennywhistle in Nickel Plated Copper D
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