--The Edge Nest
The Edge Of The World
The Official Edger Hangout
Our Leader, Evil Genius Edge, In Our Quest To Take Over The Planet!
If you get hit by any guitars trown in rage, don't blame us. You entered at your own risk. lol. We hope this accurately represents ALL Edgers. If you ever have any problems or concerns, drop me a line. I'd be more than happy to address the issue promptly. Other than that, have an Edgin' good time and no beaker or bunsen burner trowing, please.
Don't let the angellic, Irish face fool you! *giggle
--Tribute To Electrical Tape and Sequins
--Trip Through Your Wires
--Something A Little Different
The Key To The Edger Universe
The Luck Of The Irish Is Upon You
--Start Out On The Right Stomping  Foot
We're famous! The Edge of the World is mentioned in Minibono's legendary Zootopia soap opera "As The Lemon Turns". Check out Episode 34 for further details. Just thought I'd share the Edge "Pride" with yous guys.
--Tales From The Edge
Visit Ireland! Erin Go Braugh!
Welcome To...
Thanks to Mike for designing the banner for the page. Isn't it lovely, guys? If you want to link it on your own page, feel free.
Click Here To Go To Zootopia
"You know he had the cure and then he went astray. He used to stay awake to drive the dreams he had away. He wanted to believe in the hands of love..."
Many thanks to Lissi for the fantastic Edger motto!
On behalf of Edgers around the world, we would like to extend our love, happiness, and congratulations to Mr. the Edge and Mrs. Morleigh on their marriage. May you be blessed with a long happy life as "ONE".