June, KC, & Erin's Dine' clan: "I am from the Mud People, born for the Tangle People.  My paternal grandparents are the Towering House People and my maternal grandparents are the  Red Running Into The Water People."

June is an aspiring geologist. She collects rocks of all different sizes, shapes, textures, and colors. KC is an aspiring dancer. She loves to dance and if she hears a tune from the radio, commercial, or any type of song she will start dancing. Erin is our new addition she was born April 15, 2008 at 5:53am, 8lbs 5oz, 20 1/2 inches.

"According to the teaching and beliefs of our forefathers, we are positively identified as the Dine'.  When we are identified as Dine', it means that we have a clan system.  Dine' and the clan system go together. It is a pair.  By knowing this, you will understand yourself and other people. This way you will believe in your self and know your roots and foundation.

We are also identified as Southern Chippewan Athapaskan.  For this reason we speak a Dine' Athapaskan language.  We have our own life style, and our own education."
                                       -Wilson Aronilth Jr.

A site for of our family...the Navajo People.
Kialo, Terri, June, KC, and Erin Folsomito live in Albuquerque, NM a city in the southwest USA. They are from  Ojo Encino, NM, a quiet community located in northwest New Mexico on the west border of the Navajo Nation.
New Mexico pictures
The Folsomito family live on the edge of a mesa called Eagle Springs mesa.  There is a natural spring located at the base of the south end of this mesa. 

It has been said that Dine' families who had livestock in the 19th century would often times 'water' them here at the spring.  It was common at that time to see hundreds of heads of sheep, goats, and cattle traveling to the secluded spring.

"Many Anglo ranchers or Spanish cattleman were seen 'coming from the east' with thousands of heads cattle and would often camp at Eagle Springs. The cattlemen were seen roasting slabs of beef in an 'underground oven' during the evenings."
                                -Cecil Ignacio
June Bah, 3 yrs.old
This is the southeast view from Eagle Springs. According to Dine' legend Cabezon Peak is the 'Head of the Giant which was killed by the Hero Twins" which is also known as Gila Monster Mountain.
Updated: April 16, 2008
"Our family has recently researched the effects of the Navajo Long Walk. We have uncovered some stunning information about our family's history. Many Navajo families have oral records of their involvement and we would like to tell family members to interview and record their findings of this travesty involving the Navajo People". Research: Tachinii Clan and The Navajo Long Walk 0f 1864: A story of escape from the U.S. Army involving Polito Montoya's mother.
Terri's Baby Boy Bloo.
Their hobbies include horseback riding, running, skiing, hiking, and volunteering with the Torreon Fire Department. If you are a school student visiting this site, the Folsomito family  would like to say many fun opportunities are explored and achieved by staying in school. Have fun.
Fort Sumner, New Mexico
The Bosque Redondo Memorial is located off US Highway 60/84, 3 miles east of Fort Sumner.  My family and I visited this historical site dedicated to remembering the history that had taken place between 1863-1868.  The facility was beautiful and I was impressed with the displayed artifacts and history excerpts.  Thanks to the Division of New Mexico State Monuments, Department of Cultural Affairs for their efforts and work.  Also to the Navajo Nation and the Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation.

As we walked through the grounds, we were very emotional when we saw the grounds that were preserved indicating where the Navajo & Mescalero groups settled.  The picture to the left has a Navajo prayer on a stone brought from the Navajo reservation indicating the ties and memories being held by the Navajo Nation for the suffering that had occured. The translation reads:
We are the Dine'.
Our endurance lies in our beliefs, prayers, chants, language and wisdom.
Holding these truths, we return to our homeland within our sacred mountains.
Our strength endures everlasting.
In Beauty We Walk,
In Beauty We Walk,
In Beauty We Walk,
In Beauty We Walk.
A trail meanders through the park and information posts offer historical excerpts of where buildings were located and what life represented on that part of the compound.  If you look closely at the bottom left corner of the picture to the left there is a stack of rocks.  This is a shrine represented by people who have visited the monument.  I did not get a close-up shot of the shrine for respect to those who offered their memorabilia.  I will say though....among the mementos present was one of the oldest military decoration in the world...the Purple Heart.
It was very hard to keep your emotions at check during the tour of the monument.  We were at awe at what the Navajo survivors had to endure during their trek to and from the Four Sacred mountains. 
Jumping Sun! Promoting Indigenous Art
Kim Ashley Photography