Friends of Mauritius in Hong Kong
FOM Message Board - look here for announcements, thoughts, etc.
FOM Mauritius Republic Day Party 2006 (Word doc)
Please send us your e-mail address to receive notification of future events
Introduction of Friends Of Mauritius (FOM) in Hong Kong


Friends of Mauritius (FOM) is a social and recreational club established in accordance with Hong Kong laws and regulations.


As the name suggests, FOM is open to both Mauritians and non-Mauritians who wish to share and learn about the diversity of Mauritian culture. It is anticipated that members will include Mauritian students, expatriates, former-expatriates to Mauritius, relatives and friends.

Membership is free and open to everyone. FOM plans to hold a number of functions and gatherings from time to time for the benefit of members for which a contribution representing actual costs would be collected from participants.


FOM will serve the Mauritian community and Friends of Mauritius in Hong Kong with the following objectives:

- To offer an opportunity for Mauritians, their families and friends to meet and participate in social activities together;
- To foster friendship among members and enhance our lifestyle as expatriates.

The Club's activities will be overseen by a Committee whose members are volunteers with terms of office of normally one year.


FOM will hold functions and events in accordance with the wishes of members. Please find
here a short survey form for you to fill. Your input will form the basis of our plan of activities going forward.

FOM Christmas Party 2005
FOM Party
12 March 2005
FOM Party 12 March 2005 (Word Document)
FOM Party 12 Mar 2002 pictures
Some pictures from the FOM 12 March 2001 Party
Good article on
Mauritius from
Wine & Dine Magazine
of Hong Kong
Our National Anthem
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