Fondcombe cattery

© copyright 1999 - 2005

January 25, 2005
Association loi de 1901 fondée par Marie-Christine et Didier HALLÉPÉE

118 rue de Gassicourt - 78200 Mantes-la-Jolie - France
Tél/Fax : 01 30 33 31 79 - Mail :
siret 419 931 746 00012 - enregistrement DSV 1093/4 du 11/05/99

FONDCOMBE is the French equivalent for RIVENDELL in TOLKIEN 's LORD of the RINGS

Our cattery is devoted to the breeding of Egyptian Maus.
In February 1998 we founded A.I.M.E. (International Association for Egyptian Mau)
We are also
CFA affiliated and members of EMBFC (Egyptian Mau Breeders' and Fanciers' Club).

Fondcombe's Upswing, bronze male (see his page for his history) :

This son of our 2nd import from Egypt, Maslama of Fondcombe, and of Fondcombe's Senet
did the best variety, best in show and best of best at the Antony show on Oct. 23, 2004
thus beating all other shorthair cats which is very rare for a bronze Mau in France


Tiw de Fondcombe et Brockhaven Sen-Sen of Fondcombe


Tiw de Fondcombe, femelle silver née le 24 décembre 2002

Brockhaven Anwar of Fondcombe, smoke newter born July 4, 2000 :
the very special charm of a Prince of Darkness

We proudly introduce our second import from Egypt,
Maslama of Fondcombe, bronze male
big spots, warm bronze color without rufus, and stretched spots along his spine
more pics on his page


 Senefer de Fondcombe,
fils de Brockhaven Dot'sHeart of Fondcombe et Sahourê of Fondcombe, né le 15 août 2001

Pics and more information on the breed ? Click here.

More about our Maus ? Click on their names :

Fleur - <Sahourê - Nout - Sen-Sen - Dot'sHeart - Sarina - Renen - Resout - <Senekkw - <Senefer - Senet - <Seneket -
Pharaoh - Anwar - <Maslama - Tep-Nefer -Tiw - Up-Change - Sothis - Swnet - <Upswing - Uther Pendragon - Velleda


            Previous litters  

Cat in Ancien Egypt

See also our beloved domestic cats : Justine, Khalifa, Otta

member of AIME - Association Internationale du Mau Egyptien

member of EMBFC - Egyptian Mau Breeders' and Fanciers' cluub

see also Les plus beaux chats du Monde , The Cat's Fanciers' Association (CFA), Fondcombe's King Charles

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