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Welcome ........
to the Northwest Fontana Moms Club, a chapter of the international MOMS Club Organization ( Moms Offering Moms Support.) We provide moral support and friendship for stay-at-home mothers of today and their children.Thank You for visiting our site.


Monthly meetings -giving women a forum to discuss topics of
        interest and  socialize with other moms in their community.

Play groups- Age appropriate groups that plan age specific activities
          on a weekly basis.

Park days- A general all-age play date for kids and their moms.
           Various parks in the community are used.

Readers on the run- A monthly book club for Moms on the go.

Field Trips-Monthly group outings. Museums, beaches, zoos
           and other local points of interest.

Moms night out-A once a month opportunity for Moms to
           get together 
without kids. All other functions are child inclusive.

Service project- At least one a year  to benefit needy children
             in our community.

The MOMS Club was founded in 1983 by Mary B. James in Simi Valley, Ca.Word spread and we became a national organization in 1985.
There are now over 1200 chapters, with more than 62,000 members world wide and we'd love you to
join us.
Northwest Fontana
*Neither this local chapter,nor the International MOMS Club endorses any of the advertisements on this page.