Week 4
June 7-June 13
    Week four actually hasn't been too bad.  I started off the week with my monthly blood test.  I hate getting blood taken, but I guess it's all for the good of the cause, right?  Well, I was pretty scared about the results of the test, because I had not necessarily been eating very healthy over the past four weeks.

     Two days before my appointment, I got another bloody nose!  Luckily, it was fairly short lived and wasn't very bad.  I didn't have one the rest of the week, so I guess I was just lucky.

     When time came for the appointment, I went, but was scared to find out the results of the blood test, but as it turns out, I had nothing to worry about.  The dermatologist said that my cholesterol was doing very well and that the only problem was with my liver enzymes.  They had gone up slightly, which she said we would have to watch for the next time.  Personally, I think it is because I drink the communion wine at church, which I have stopped doing since I found out the results.  I want to play it safe and not mess up my body.

     I told her all of the side effects that I was experiencing (back pain, bloody nose, dry skin, dry eyes) and she said that it was normal.  She kept me on the same 80 mg a day dose and sent me on my way with the comment that I was looking better, but I still had not seen Accutane's complete results, which I was happy to hear.

     I still have lots of little pimples on my back and a few on my neck.  And I still have a couple cysts on my cheek and on my neck.  I am hoping to have those go away by next week.  Man, I just want a clear face.  I cannot wait to see full results of this!

     That's all for this week.  I should have four week pictures up sometime within the next week, so be sure to check back often.  I hope you all are doing well!  Take care, and until next week, have fun!
Weeks 1-3     Week 5