Fools and Heroes
UK National Fantasy Live
Action Roleplaying (LARP/LRP) Society
Fools and Heroes (F&H)
is a UK based medieval fantasy Live Action Roleplaying (LRP/LARP) system.
This means we dress up in medieval/fantasy costume and run about in the
woods pretending to be Heroes or Villains. The campaign world is fairly
standard medieval fantasy; if you have played or read Dungeons & Dragons,
Tolkein or Warhammer you will be familiar with the basic scenario. There
are many Gods, magic, guilds and monsters; these help or plague the adventurers.
A normal adventure day is split
into two halves, for one half you will play your player character (PC)
and generally take part in a mission to perform a task. During the other
half you will play monsters or non-player characters (NPC's) who either
interact or attack the player characters. A referee designs the missions
and oversees the rules of the game. Combat is done in Live Action with
latex (foam & rubber) full size weaponry so you have to physically attack
other players!
Fools & Heroes is organised
nationally by a group of volunteers referred to as "Central" ; we have
a national plot line and an Executive committee which governs the rules
of the game. There are roughly 20 branches spread over the UK and players
are free to travel in between them. A full branch list is here.
An adventure is probably run every weekend somewhere in the country! It
is the national aspect which adds greatly to the Fools & Heroes atmosphere.
There are many full weekend events run throughout the year with a national
Summer Fest on August bank holiday. If you are interested in joining you
should contact your nearest branch.
For more information email
Description taken from
St. Helen's Branch website