Where You'll Be

My little boy Jordan, you left us to soon,

I thought we had many more years,

for you to grow and bloom.

Your our treasure in our hearts,

And now our angel for this brand new start.

We loved you then and now love you more,

Because love never dies it

grows stronger than before.

Our hearts want you home,

But your angels called you to the

Lord's Precious Throne.

Forever in our memories,

Forever in our hearts,

Is where you'll always be forever in eternity.

Fly high in the heavens,

let your light shine upon thee,

We love you precious child ,

 For now you are forever Free,

Until we meet in the awesome eternity.

Written By Elaine Tassara




Click her to See Jordan's 12th Birthday Page

Angel Graphics made by  Elaine for Angel Jordan

Website Maintained by Elaine for Leslie

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