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Code D'Honneur

Les Morts de la Légion

Les Regiments


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Foreign Legion History....

CNN-Cold War-Dien Bien Phu     

Foreign Legion Music....

Le Boudin

Kepi Blanc

Contre Les Viets

Sous le Soleil Brûlant D'Afrique

French Foreign Legion Books / Recommended Reading....

Click on book cover for more information or to order.



The French Foreign Legion. A good look at the history of the Foreign Legion. Author Douglas Porch was given assistance and access to information by the Foreign Legion.


Legionnaire. Simon Murray is an Englishman who served five years in the Foreign Legion during the war in Algeria. He later went on to become a successful businessman.


The Making of a Legionnaire. Bill Parris RAF Regiment in the 1980s before traveling to Paris to join the French Foreign Legion and later saw action in Chad and Rwanda

For Prospective Recruits


Life in the French Foreign Legion. Thinking about joining? Written by a Canadian who served five years in the Legion. Good Information. Almost all questions answered. Any more questions after reading this and your thinking to much. Do it!


With the French Foreign Legion in Syria. A look at the "classic" era of the Foreign Legion.


Paratroopers of the French Foreign Legion. A good overview of one of the most famous parachute regiments in the world. Good read if your thinking about joining the Foreign Legion and making your way to the 2REP.

History / Indochina

Hell in a Very Small Place. An excellent, objective read about the siege of Dien Bien Phu.

History / Indochina

Street Without Joy. One of the best English language books on the Indochina war.

History / Indochina

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu. Overview of this heroic siege and battle.

History / World War II

Tomorrow to Be Brave. A Memoir of the Only Woman Ever to Serve in the French Foreign Legion. The true story of a woman with guts.
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French Foreign Legion Enlistment Information

Voir la vie autrement

To join the French Foreign Legion, you must be male, between the ages of 18 and 40 years old (17 years old with parental permission), and regardless of where you live in the world, you must present yourself  with a valid passport or identity card to one of the 20 recruiting centers (PRLE-Postes de Recrutement de la Légion Etrangère) in metropolitan France. Any costs of transportation to France and the costs of a visa (if necessary) will not be provided by the French Foreign Legion or Republic of France. Upon arrival at French Foreign Legion headquarters (CSI-Centre de Sélection et d'Incorporation) in Aubagne (southern part France), the prospective recruit (candidat engage voluntairé) will need to pass a series of tests (physical, psychological, intelligence), and undergo background and security investigation by the BSLE (Beaureau  Des  Statistiques de  la Légion Etrangere). The prospective recruit will also undergo medical examinations, and be interviewed by recruiting officers of the French Foreign Legion. If the prospective recruit is accepted, he will be required to sign a minimum five year contract for service where ever he is needed to serve by the French Foreign Legion. After completion of the five year contract, the Legionnaire can sign another contract for six months, three years, or five years additional service. There is also the ability to advance in rank within the five year contract and consecutive contracts. If the prospective recruit is not accepted, he will be returned to civilian life and the costs to return to the country of origin will not be paid by the French Foreign Legion or the Republic of France.

Click on the links below for more information

www.br-legion.com      www.legionetrangere.fr      Embassy of France 

Be sure to visit links to other sites about the Foreign Legion on this page for information and insight.

France - Sites of Interest:

Military & Government

Présidence de la République President of France
État-Major des Armees
Ministére de la Défense ENGLISH-FRENCH
Troupes de Marine
Escadrille Avions de L'Armée de Terre French Army Aviation Squadron
3eme Régiment D'Hélicoptères de Combat Unofficial Website
Gendarmarie Nationale National Police ENGLISH-FRENCH
Les Hélicoptères de la Gendamerie Unofficial Website
Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure
Musée De L'Air Et De L'Espace French Air & Space Museum

French Fleet Air Arm

INTERPOL Headquarted in Lyon,France


Air France ENGLISH
Air France FRENCH
Air France Corporate, Cargo, and Country Websites
SNCF Societe Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais (National Railway)
RATP Regie Autonome des Transports Parisie-Paris Regional Public Transportation
TGV Train a Grande Vitesse High Speed Train of France


Hotels in Paris
All Hotels on the Web
Paris In Sites Newsletter Travel Tips from France

Financial Services

Official EURO Web Site European Central Bank

Universal Currency Converter - XE.Com Currency exchange rates

Time & Weather

Intellicast Current weather conditions for France and the World
World Times Zones
World and Military Time Zones


Le Monde French Daily Newspaper
Le Figaro French Daily Newspaper
La Tribune Desfossés

Paris Match
L'intelligent Jeune Afrique
Tele 7 Jours

France Magazine

International Herald Tribune English Language Daily

Tocqueville Connection Current events in France

Canalplus.fr (France)
CanalWeb - La Télévision Interactive
France Télévision

BBC (British Broadcasting Company)

Society / Culture

French Consulate - Montreal,Canada
Tennessee Bobs Famous French Links


FIFA / World Cup Homepage
Tour de France Official Website
Paris to Dakar Race Official Website


Metric and English Conversion Utility

Passport/Visa Services

U.S. Department of State-Passport Services
U.S. Department of State Home Page
U.S. Embassy Consular Section in Paris Links to Consulates in Marseille,Strasbourg,and Nice.
U.S. Embassy in France

Click for Marseille, France Forecast

Military Links

U.S. Defense Department
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army Home Page
U.S. Army Recruiting Page
Links to U.S. Army sites
U.S. Army Rangers
National Guard
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Marines Corps
U.S. Navy

U.S. Merchant Marine & Maritime Service

US Nuclear Weapons

Soldier of Fortune Magazine


Foreign Military Links

Dutch Commando Corps
Russian Paratroopers
Spanish Foreign Legion (Spain)
MPRI Private Military and Security Services
Sandline International Private Military and Security Services
Special Forces of the World Links
Foreign Military Links
Terrorists,Freedom Fighters,Crusaders,Propagandists,Mercenaries..

Janes Defense Weekly Geopolitical and Defense News


U.S. Law Enforcement

Central Intelligence Agency(CIA)
Federal Bureau of Invstigation(FBI)
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms(BATF)
Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA)
Border Patrol(USBP)
Customs Service
Department of State-Diplomatic Security Service(DSS)
Department of Justice(DOJ)
Federal Bureau of Prisons(BOP)
Fish & Wildlife Service
Immigration and Naturalization Service(INS)
Postal Inspection Service
Marshals Service
Secret Service(USSS)
Americas Most Wanted


Canadian Law Enforcement / Military

Royal Canadian Mounted Police(RCMP)
Durham Regional Police Service Home Page

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