-Toward The Compassionate Global  Society -

Forelawsship reflects individual awareness of the unity of nature-life-infinity (the oneness of life perspective).

Forelawsship reflects individual awareness that "forelaws" refers to the Positive Generational Constant (Human Empathy and Compassion), operative  in all human affairs with particular relevancy in human mate selection, in the nurturing of offspring, and in early childhood education. 

Forelawsship reflects individual awareness that "The Golden Rule is a natural consequence of the recognition of the unity of being" (Esme Wynne-Tyson, The Philosophy of Compassion, Centaur Press, 1970).

Forelawsship reflects individual understanding that the Golden Rule provides guidelines for relationships of empathy and compassion with members of our own species, with other life forms, and with the continuum of life itself.

Forelawsship reflects individual understanding that the Golden Rule does not preclude individual belief  in a deity manifesting itself through nature-life-infinity.

Forelawsship reflects individual understanding that the Golden Rule does not preclude individual belief in a deity existing apart from nature-life-infinity.

Forelawsship reflects individual understanding of the natural progression of Golden Rule consciousness to areas including education and science as well as  religion.

Forelawsship encourages/advocates the advancement of human enlightenment in tandem with
The Positive Generational Constant:    leveraging the fulcrum/constant of  human empathy and compassion toward (a) a healthful, sustainable environment for every planetary citizen, (b) universal health care, publicly supported,  (c) education for all based upon individual capability, (d) creative/productive employment for every citizen, (e) financial security upon completion of work career  -  all basic to The Compassionate Global Society.

Forelaws Homepage (Toward The Compassionate Global Society)

last edited 11/06/02
Root Causes of Global Terrorism