Golden Rule Stewardship - Infinite In All Directions - Toward The Compassionate Global Society - Golden Rule Stewardship as an ethic linked cosmically with Infinity (a phenomenon appreciated but unyielding in the total sense to human comprehension) stems from (l) the physical emanation from Earth to outer space of microwave radiation signals through means (including Internet communication) of planned as well as unplanned ("leakage") transmissions, and (2) from the premise that "Other than that which can be surmised through extrapolation, knowledge of the Universe beyond the boundaries of the observable universe of any communicating planet ("observable universe" as circumscribed by state-of-the-art technology of evolving intelligent life) is directly proportional to the degree to which an exchange/relay of knowledge exists between communicating planets with overlapping "observable universes." While Golden Rule Stewardship on Earth is still in its infancy with our planet in the post-Darwin era not having yet formally joined the league of "communicating planets", inevitable contact with intelligent life (ETI) on planets (in stages of Golden Rule Stewardship routinely disposed to the sharing-relay of interplanetary/intergalactic communications) may well come about in much the way that unstructured growth has characterized the development of Internet communication. Individual and collective Internet opportunity ( - unprecedented and unstructured - represents empowerment on a scale eminently equal to the task of purposeful and ultimate communication with communicating planets whose "observable universes" overlap . . . . . and overlap . . . . . and overlap . . . . . to Infinity. The challenge for humankind on Earth thus becomes one of projecting to the Cosmos a consciousness fully aware of its interconnection with nature-life-infinity, that is, Golden Rule Stewardship (of generations - by generations - for generations). "The Golden Rule is a natural consequence of the recognition of the unity of being" (Esme Wynne-Tyson, The Philosophy of Compassion, Centaur Press, 1970). The DEMOCRATHON Process - Societal Oversight |
11/08/02 |