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Forestdale Heights Lodge

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To learn more about FHL click on sections below:

About Us

Who We Are: What makes FHL stand out from all other lodges? Just click to find out.

Executive Directory: A complete list of your FHL executive and committee chairs, complete with e-mail contacts.

Kol Echad Survey: What do you think about Kol Echad's print and/or web versions? Here is your chance to let us know.


President's Pen: In just a couple of weeks, we will be celebrating Forestdale Height's 40th birthday. The Gala Committee has been hard at work, planning it all down to the last fine detail.

Editor's Desk: One person can make a difference and bring about significant change in the world.

Sandy's Scripts: It's Monday morning, just before Pesach and we have to burn the Chometz. But, first we must get rid of the garbage on our property.

Random Musings:Music has always played a major role in my life. When I was young, I sang in choirs and played instruments.

Around the Lodge

What's New: Upcoming events in and around the lodge

Black Tie & Denim: On Saturday, March 31, members of Forestdale Heights Lodge, together with counterparts from Don Mills and a few friends of the lodge, headed downtown to the CBC Atrium to help out in Epilepsy Toronto's Black Tie & Denim gala evening.

Mitzvah Project: We are now collecting new and nearly new men's clothes items to be donated to the Toronto North Support Services.

FHL@40: Kol Echad's look at the past changes direction as we look at the history of the lodge. This month: The return of Michael Kates.

Web Memories: Since Forestdale Heights first launched a web site, it has undergone numerous changes as the lodge evolved. Most of the changes and words that graced the site have long since vanished. However, recently we were fortunate enough to find a site that archives web sites and found some of our older material, which I am pleased to share with everyone. I hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane.

A 40th Anniversary Story: You know as I sit here contemplating the changes that have taken place in my life over the nearly 40 years that I have been a member of Forestdale Heights Lodge, I sometimes wonder where all those years have gone. Mind you I only have to look at my three married daughters all in their 30s now and my two grandsons and it soon becomes a reality that indeed the years have slipped away.

Good & Welfare: Share birthdays, anniversaries and other major life events

Around B'nai Brith

BBI News: In an agreement to be signed April 1 by Daniel S. Mariaschin, executive vice president of B'nai B'rith International, and Kiryat Shmona Mayor Haim Barbivai, BBI committed to invest $100,000 to renovate bomb shelters in Kiryat Shmona, a border city ravaged by last summer's war in Lebanon.

BB Lodges: What is going on in other B'nai Brith lodges: LMOL, Thornhill, Toronto Freedom


For Your Information: Interesting and thought-provoking material contributed by fellow lodge members.

Jewish Music: Kol Echad goes audio. Tune in to hear some Jewish music.

Forestdale Funnies All new funnies.

The Jewish World: A collection of Interesting Jewish sites The Jewish World Webring.


Kosher Restaurants in Toronto: An up-to-date list of kosher restaurants in the Toronto area.

Health in Harmony: Keep your body and mind well tuned up.